Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Global Health Minor

20 Credits 

SOCI 277A/HIST 279EGlobal Health, Culture and Inequality4
one of the following:4
The Medical Professional in the Age of Global Health
Medicine, Empire and Global Health (CSDS)
Medical Anthropology
Intercultural Health Communication
2 additional electives from the above or the following courses:8
Comparative Health Care Policy
Health Communication (Truth Encounter)
Fat Studies
HISP 356@ (Topics Course)
Global Malnutrition and Disease (Truth Encounter)
Health Psychology
Public Health Nutrition: Infancy Through Aging (Justice Encounter)
Creative Writing: Clinical Encounters I
Creative Writing: Clinical Encounters II
Transnational Anthropology (Movement Focus)
Missionaries and Empire
Clinical Nursing IV: Community/Population Capstone (CSDS)
Sex, Race, and Medicine
Study abroad courses with health focus (approved by GH advisor)
Elective course (see website) 14
Total Hours20

Students and advisors will work together to find a 4-credit course that connects the student’s geographic, topical, or disciplinary areas of interest to their interests in Global Health.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning related to global health is strongly recommended in the US or abroad. 

Other Requirements for Minor: 

  • At least two courses must be at the upper level (300-level and higher)
  • A maximum of 8 credits from any single department can count towards the GH minor

Additional Requirements: 

General Education Requirements: 

All undergraduate students must complete the requirements of the Integrations Curriculum (IC) which is designed to ensure all of our students receive a liberal arts education. Please review details of the Integrations Curriculum requirements here

Graduation Requirements:

In addition to the Integrations Curriculum, all undergraduate students must meet the following minimum degree requirements to earn their degree from CSB and SJU. 

      Credits:  124 total credits, 40 of which must be from upper division coursework
           GPA:   2.0 or higher* 
Residency:   At least 24 of your last 32 credits must be completed at CSB/SJU

Please visit Graduation under the Academic Policies and Regulations portion of the catalog for additional details regarding degree requirements.

* Cumulative GPA as well as major(s)/minor(s) GPA. Please note some majors/minors may require a higher GPA to earn their degree. 

  • At least two courses must be at the upper level (300-level and higher)
  • A maximum of 8 credits from any single department can count towards the GH minor