Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Gender Studies (GEND)

GEND 101  Introduction to Gender Studies  (4 Credits)  
Introduces students to a broad range of concepts and issues in the discipline of Gender Studies. It also serves as a practical and theoretical foundation for further courses in Gender Studies. It uses gender as an analytical method and explores how race, class, ethnicity, and sexual orientation influence the construction of gender identity. Although containing these common elements, this course’s main focus will vary according to the particular instructor’s design.
Prerequisites: None  
Attributes: CSD: Identity (CI)  
GEND 180A  Gender and Culture in Japan  (2 Credits)  
This course will explore the intersectional relationship between gender and culture with specific attention to gender and culture as experienced in Japan
Prerequisites: None  
GEND 180C  Gender & Culture in South Korea  (2 Credits)  
This class is designed to teach students the ways in which gender and culture mutually inform one another and is based on South Korea’s society and economy. The course is designed to understand the social construction of gender in South Korea, analyze the implications of that construction for the South Korean society and evaluate those constructions and implications in the context of the United States. The course is housed within the Gender Studies department and counts as part of the Gender Studies major and minor requirements. The course involves pre departure classes held during Spring and onsite visit and learning in South Korea.
Prerequisites: None  
GEND 180D  Contemporary Japanese Women Writers  (4 Credits)  
This course introduces novels, short stories, manga, and films written by Japanese and Japanese-American woman writers and filmmakers since the 1970s. We read texts that explore questions of identity related to gender, race, and ethnicity in a comparative context, from the incarceration of Japanese-Americans during World War II to the rethinking of female icons of Japanese mythology and folklore, as well as what it means to be alienated in what is supposed to one’s “homeland” and being insufficiently fluent in one’s “mother tongue.” With texts set in the United States, Japan, and Europe, this course aims to demonstrate the relevance of great literature and film by Japanese women to questions at the heart of an intersectional analysis of gender, race, and ethnicity.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: GEND 360E, JAPN 121A, JAPN 321A  
Attributes: CSD: Identity (CI)  
GEND 271  Individualized Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the lower-division level. Permission of program director required.
Prerequisites: None  
GEND 278A  Movements and Change  (4 Credits)  
This course will survey the various social movements of gender and sexual rights and equality in the United States. Students will learn about the social conditions that spawned the movements, the reaction that these movements have produced, and the different strategies that were used both within and between these movements.
Prerequisites: You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking a Thematic Focus Course. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Equivalent courses: GEND 201  
Attributes: Human Experience (HE), Thematic Focus - Movement  
GEND 360B  Gender and the Professions  (4 Credits)  
The course will explore the issues of gender in work and professional roles. The path of choosing and progressing through a career as influenced by gender will give students an opportunity to understand their own gendered experience of learning and making decisions about their future work life. Gendered-patterns of communication in the workplace including the challenges of class, workplace violence and the influence of media portrayals will be included. Special attention will be paid to traditional and non-traditional career choices, as well as examining and challenging the status quo.
Prerequisites: None  
GEND 360E  Contemporary Japanese Women Writers  (4 Credits)  
This course introduces entertainment novels, comics, and films created by Japanese female writers and directors since the 1970's. Postwar economic development made it possible for young talented women to go into a variety of cultural fields and become successful. We examine how these contemporary female creators have come to terms with issues of gender, sexuality, race, class, and nation as well as how their products have intersected the changing phases of economic conditions. Their works have created new businesses, not only in Japan but also in the broader Asian market, by being combined with thriving local entertainment industries. We also consider what these phenomena signify, especially when the images of the West, Asia, the US and Japan are diversely reflected in these works. Prerequisite Sophomore standing. Will count as an elective for both GEND major/minor and ASIA minor. Cross-listed with JAPN 321A.
Prerequisites: None  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior, Sophomore or Senior.   
Equivalent courses: JAPN 321A, MCLT 316A  
GEND 360J  Sex and Gender  (4 Credits)  
A survey of sociological knowledge about sex and gender as fundamental organizing principles of our social world. Examines the interplay of sex, gender, and sexual orientation as they change over time and across cultures. Critical analysis of what it means to live as a gendered, sexual being in today's society.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: SOCI 319  
GEND 370  Readings in Gender Studies  (1 Credit)  
Readings and discussions in specific areas of gender studies. Topics may be tied to on-campus lectures/presentations given by invited speakers. Approval of the director and/or faculty moderator required. Gender Studies majors or minors count up to four credits from this course with permission from the Chair. S-U grading only.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: GEND 270  
GEND 371  Individualized Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading and/or research at the upper-division level. Permission of Chair required. Not open to first-year students.
Prerequisites: None  
GEND 377A  Disability Justice  (4 Credits)  
Ableism is a system of discrimination and oppression targeting those who identify as being disabled, or those who society has labeled disabled. Globally over 1 billion people live with some form of disability (WHO, 2014). This course will focus on the human experience of disability using a “Disability Justice Framework.” This framework was created by disability activists in the mid-2000’s who were queer, poor, and people of color trying to make sense of their experiences and create a movement that did not exclude others with multiple experiences of marginalization and oppression. This framework challenges our ideas of “independence” as being central to those who identify as being disabled, to that of “inter-dependent” with the whole community being involved. This framework also challenges our norms of what constitute “whole” bodies versus “broken” bodies and that “brokenness” must be fixed for people to live “whole” lives. In this course we deconstruct false and limited narratives on what it means to be disabled, and at the same time, act in solidarity for the liberation of every “body.”
Prerequisites: You must take INTG 100 or 205 and a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to taking GEND 377A.   
Attributes: Human Experience (HE), Thematic Focus - Justice  
GEND 377B  Indigenous and LBGTQ+ Allyship  (4 Credits)  
What roles do Two-Spirit and other Indigenous gender identities play in Native American communities? How did colonialism impact these identities and what steps are being taken to reclaim them? As we explore the similarities and distinctions between Indigenous and Western gender constructions, students in this course will understand the roots of Indigenous and LGBTQ+ allyships and the tools necessary for develop successful coalitions.
Prerequisites: You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking GEND 377B. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Equivalent courses: SOCI 377A  
Attributes: Social World (SW), Thematic Focus - Justice  
GEND 380  Approaches to Gender Theory  (4 Credits)  
Builds on and further develops the understanding of gender studies introduced in GEND 101 by critically examining theoretical approaches to Gender Studies and analyzing key issues and disputes within the field. This course develops a framework that allows students to identify and examine the relations among the diverse theoretical approaches used in Gender Studies. This course may include aspects of feminist, gender, GLBTQ, and men’s studies theories.
Prerequisites: GEND 101  
Attributes: Human Experience (HE), Thematic Encounter3 - Justice  
GEND 385  Senior Capstone in Gender Studies  (4 Credits)  
A seminar in which students develop and complete an independent research project. The project should provide in-depth analysis of gender dynamics in areas such as contemporary social issues, history, the arts, theory or the biological-physical world and should integrate a variety of resources and learning from across the disciplines that compromise Gender Studies. This project will include not only a written component, but an oral presentation of research to faculty and students. Offered only in the spring.
Prerequisites: GEND 101  
GEND 397  Internship  (1-4 Credits)  
Practical on- or off-campus experience in gender-related work with a strong academic component. Individually arranged by the student with the approval of the college’s director of internships, a faculty moderator, and the GEND Chair. Prerequisites include GEND 101 and at least two other GEND courses. See Chair for further information.
Prerequisites: None  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)