Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Tri-College Exchange

Saint Benedict's, Saint John's and nearby St. Cloud State University have an agreement, since Fall 1973, designed to allow cross-registration for undergraduate courses on any of the three campuses by full-time students. Saint Benedict's and Saint John's students may register for courses offered in the St. Cloud State University course schedule provided they are registered for a minimum of 12 credits at Saint Benedict's and Saint John's. The request to take a course at St. Cloud State University is filed through the Registrar's Office. The registrar will determine whether space is available and confirm registration. Registration is limited to fall and spring semesters. The exchange program is subject to change without notice or obligation.

Tuition and Fees

Students will be billed tuition and any fees (such as for laboratory or studio materials) at the rates prevailing at Saint Benedict's and Saint John's.


Transportation to and from St. Cloud State University is the student's responsibility, for which the student must assume all obligation and risk.

Repeat Courses

It has been determined that repeating course through Tri-College Exchange of a course that was originally completed at St. Ben’s and St. John’s will not be allowed.

What if I enroll as a student at St. Cloud State?

Registration for Tri-College courses are on a space available basis, and a CSB or SJU student cannot reserve a space as a special student and later roll it over to the Tri-College Program.   You have to decide before you register whether you want to enroll as a special student at SCSU and pay them tuition, or if you want to enroll as a Tri-College student and pay no additional tuition up to 18 credits at CSB and SJU.