Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Physics (PHYS)

PHYS 101  Perspectives in Physics  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to the scientific enterprise: the course will treat selected issues in physics, their historical development and their effect on literature, philosophy and society at large. Topics might include Newtonian mechanics, optics, quantum physics and electromagnetism. Lectures, demonstrations, discussion, occasional laboratories. Intended for non-science majors.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 102  Light and Color  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to optics, the science of light and color. A broad range of topics will be examined. Subject matter may include: rainbows and the color of the sky, vision and the eye, optical instruments, photography, wave aspects of light, lasers and holography. A background in physics or mathematics is not necessary.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 102L  
PHYS 102L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 012  
PHYS 105  Physics for the Life Sciences I  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to mechanics and thermodynamics emphasizing applications to biological systems. Topics include Newton's laws of motion, equilibrium, torques, forces, conservation principles, work, energy, power, rotating systems, oscillations, temperature, heat transfer, laws of thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics. Intended for non-majors. Algebra and trigonometry are needed. Recommended: MATH 115 or equivalent high school mathematics. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 105L  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 105Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Encounter1/2-Movement  
PHYS 105L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 105  
PHYS 106  Physics for the Life Sciences II  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to electricity and magnetism, wave phenomena, atomic and nuclear physics emphasizing applications to biological systems. Topics include electric and magnetic forces and fields, direct and alternating current circuits, light, sound, optical instruments, relativity, quantum physics, atomic spectra, nuclear physics, radioactivity. Intended for non-majors. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 105 or PHYS 105Z  
Corequisites: PHYS 106L  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 106Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2 - Truth  
PHYS 106L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 106  
PHYS 110  The Physics of Forensics  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to some forensics techniques, and the physics behind the techniques. The forensic techniques will also be discussed in context of the criminal justice system. Forensic topics such as ballistics, structural failure, blood spatter and spectrometry will be covered. Physics background will include motion, forces, energy, momentum, waves, light, and nuclear physics. Recommended: Math 115 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 110L  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 152  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Encounter1/2-Justice  
PHYS 110L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 110  
PHYS 150  The Physics of Music  (4 Credits)  
Relationships between music and physics. Sound sources and modes of oscillation, sound as a wave phenomenon and the characterization of sound; scales and keyboard temperament, auditorium and room acoustics; the physics of musical instruments and particular tone color effects in these instruments; electronic sound production, recording and electronic music synthesis. Intended for non-science majors.
Prerequisites: ACT Math with a score of 21 or SAT Mathematics with a score of 530 or Quantitative Skills Inventory with a score of 25  
Corequisites: PHYS 150L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Encounter1/2-Movement  
PHYS 150L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 150  
PHYS 155  Introduction to Engineering  (2 Credits)  
An introduction to the field of engineering and the processes and principles engineers use. Engineering will be explored and practiced through solving problems and completing projects. The place of engineering in society and the types of engineering will also be discussed. Recommended: Math 115 or equivalent. Spring.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 163  Environmental Radiation  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to nuclear radiation in the environment from natural and man-made sources. Topics include fundamentals of nuclear structure, stability, effects of radiation on matter, radiation detection, characteristics of natural, industrial, medical, and military radiation sources, environmental mobility, and radiation protection practices and policies. Recommend Math proficiency, high school biology, chemistry, or physics.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 187  Introduction to Meteorology  (4 Credits)  
A survey of the basic principles involved in understanding the earth’s weather and climate. Topics include winds, fronts, cyclones, clouds and precipitation, thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes, climate and climate change, global warming and ozone depletion. Prerequisite: Math proficiency. Corequisite: PHYS 187L.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 187L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Encounter1/2-Movement  
PHYS 187L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 187  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR)  
PHYS 191  Foundations of Physics I  (4 Credits)  
Mechanics: vectors, Newton's laws, work, energy, rigid body statics and dynamics. A calculus-based course that emphasizes analytical reasoning and problem-solving techniques. Laboratory places stress on data acquisition and analysis. Prerequisite: concurrent registration in MATH 119. Fall.
Prerequisites: MATH 119 or MATH 119Z  
Corequisites: PHYS 191L  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 191Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Encounter1/2-Movement  
PHYS 191L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 191  
PHYS 200  Foundations of Physics II  (4 Credits)  
Electric and magnetic fields and their sources, electric potential and electro-magnetic induction. DC and AC circuit elements and circuits. Electromagnetic waves. Emphasis on problem solving. A laboratory is included. Spring.
Prerequisites: (PHYS 191 or PHYS 191Z) and (MATH 120  
Corequisites: PHYS 200L  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 200Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2 - Truth  
PHYS 200L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 200  
PHYS 211  Foundations of Physics III  (4 Credits)  
Thermodynamics and waves. Kinetic theory and the laws of thermodynamics are developed from a mechanical point of view. Temperature, entropy and heat engines. Wave phenomena (sound and light) are developed from a unified point of view. Geometrical optics. Fall.
Prerequisites: PHYS 200 and (MATH 239  
PHYS 217  Digital Electronics  (2 Credits)  
Introduction to digital electronics at the integrated circuit level; logic families, gates, counters, registers and memories.
Prerequisites: PHYS 200 or PHYS 200Z  
Corequisites: PHYS 217L  
PHYS 217L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 217  
PHYS 222  C++ and Fortran for Scientists  (2 Credits)  
C++ and Fortran language fundamentals with examples from numerical analysis. Topics may include scientific data analysis and curve fitting, simulation of physical systems and numerical algorithms for integration and matrix manipulation. .
Prerequisites: PHYS 200 and (MATH 120 or MATH 120Z)  
PHYS 255  CAD Prototyping & Testing  (2 Credits)  
An introduction to computer-aided design (CAD) software for designing and testing mechanical parts and systems. Students will learn to design and test solutions to mechanical engineering problems. Topics include creating solid bodies from 2D sketches, finite element analysis of structural integrity, and 3D printing of design prototypes. Fall.
Prerequisites: PHYS 191 or PHYS 105  
PHYS 271  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the lower-division level. Permission of department chair required. Consult department for applicability towards major requirements. Not available to first-year students.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 281  Problem Solving  (1 Credit)  
An introduction to solving complex problems in interdisciplinary topics which will be drawn from mathematics, computer science,and physics. Students will work in groups and present their results. Prerequisite: admission to Women in STEM program
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: CSCI 281, HONR 270C, MATH 281  
PHYS 310  Special Topics in Physics  (2 Credits)  
This course will apply basic calculus to topics on (1) linear and rotational kinematics, (2) forces, potential energy, fields, and potential, (3) conservation laws, (4) oscillations and waves, (5) electricity and magnetism, or (6) optics, kinetic theory, and modern physics. Must have completed PHYS 320 and 332 or 3 years high school science teaching experience.
Prerequisites: None  
Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a minor in Elementary Education, Secondary Education or Secondary Education.   
PHYS 310A  Topics in Mechanics  (2 Credits)  
Principles of mechanics including (1) linear and rotational kinematics, (2) forces, potential energy, fields, and potential, and (3) conservation laws. Onsite laboratory experiences include experiments on data analysis, the acceleration of gravity, projectile motion, Archimedes’ Principle, rotational dynamics, the ballistic pendulum, and two-body collisions. Prerequisite: 3 years high school science teaching experience or education major who has completed PHYS 320 and PHYS 332.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 310B  Topics in Waves/Electromagnetism  (2 Credits)  
Topics include oscillations and waves, electricity and magnetism, and laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: 3 years high school science teaching experience or education major who has completed PHYS 320 and PHYS 332.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 310C  Topics in Optics & Modern Physics  (2 Credits)  
Topics include optics, kinetic theory, modern physics, and laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: 3 years high school science teaching experience or education major who has completed PHYS 320 and PHYS 332.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 320  Modern Physics  (4 Credits)  
Introduction to the ideas and mathematics of quantum theory. Bohr atom, kinetic theory, black body radiation, quantum mechanics in the Schrödinger representation. Applications of quantum mechanics to selected topics in atomic, molecular or other areas of modern physics. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 211  
PHYS 322  C++ and Fortran for Scientists  (2 Credits)  
C++ and Fortran language fundamentals with examples from numerical analysis. Topics may include scientific data analysis and curve fitting, simulation of physical systems and numerical algorithms for integration and matrix manipulation. Identical to PHYS 222 except for additional required programming project.
Prerequisites: PHYS 200 and (MATH 120 or MATH 120Z)  
PHYS 332  Intermediate Physics Laboratory  (1 Credit)  
Experimentation for sophomores. Quantitative measurements and analysis of data. Research approach is emphasized. May be repeated for credit when different experiments are done.
Prerequisites: PHYS 211 (may be taken concurrently) or PHYS 320 (may be taken concurrently)  
Equivalent courses: PHYS 332Z  
PHYS 338  Analog Electronics for Scientists  (2 Credits)  
Circuit theory, transistors, amplifiers, laboratory test equipment and integrated circuits.
Prerequisites: PHYS 200 or PHYS 200Z  
Corequisites: PHYS 338L  
PHYS 338L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 338  
PHYS 339  Physical Mechanics  (4 Credits)  
The dynamics of particles and systems. Gravitational theory, particle oscillations, Hamilton's principle, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, central force motion, rigid body motion, collisions, non-inertial reference frames, coupled oscillations. Fall.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: MATH 305 AND PHYS 211. PHYS 339 is a Thematic Focus - Movement course. You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking a Thematic Focus Course. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Corequisites: PHYS 370  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Movement  
PHYS 341  Electricity and Magnetism  (4 Credits)  
Electrostatic potentials and fields in vacuum and dielectric media, magnetic vector potentials and fields in vacuum and magnetic materials, electrostatic and magnetic energies, slowly varying currents. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 339  
PHYS 343  Thermodynamics  (2 Credits)  
Foundations of thermodynamics and applications. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 344  Statistical Mechanics  (2 Credits)  
Foundations of statistical mechanics. Applications to condensed matter systems, classical and quantum gases. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320 and PHYS 339  
PHYS 346  Quantum Mechanics I  (4 Credits)  
Foundations of quantum theory, wave packets, Schrödinger's equation in one dimension, raising and lowering operators. Formal structure of quantum mechanics. Angular momentum and the hydrogen atom. Spring alternating years.
Prerequisites: PHYS 339 and MATH 305  
PHYS 348  Advanced Theoretical Physics  (2-4 Credits)  
A continuation of 339, 341 and 346. Topics could include advanced Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics, tensors, eigenvalue problems, small oscillation; Maxwell's equations, wave equation, radiation, antennas, waveguides; matrix methods in quantum mechanics, spin, perturbation theory, transitions, many-electron atoms. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 339 and PHYS 341 and PHYS 346  
PHYS 353  Applied Nuclear Physics  (2 Credits)  
Applications of the interaction of radiation with matter to nuclear detection techniques. Current measurement methods for charged and uncharged radiation.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
Corequisites: PHYS 353L  
PHYS 353L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 353  
PHYS 355  MATLAB for Physical Applications  (2 Credits)  
An introduction to the MATLAB programming language through the study of applications relevant to engineering and physics. The applications covered will be drawn from areas such as statics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 357  Experimental Optics  (2 Credits)  
Study of optical phenomena with emphasis on the needs of the experimentalist. Topics may include optical systems design, spectrum analysis, image processing, holography.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
Corequisites: PHYS 357L  
PHYS 357L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 357  
PHYS 358  Advanced Electronics  (2 Credits)  
Topics will be selected from the following in advanced analog and digital circuitry: active filters, precision circuits, low noise techniques, high frequency techniques, advanced microprocessor circuits, scientific instrumentation.
Prerequisites: PHYS 217 and PHYS 338  
Corequisites: PHYS 358L  
PHYS 358L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: PHYS 358  
PHYS 362  Topics in Modern Physics  (2 Credits)  
The concepts and principles presented in 191 through 320 will be used to study specific areas of physics not available elsewhere in the curriculum. Subject matter will come from such areas as elementary particle, condensed matter, nuclear, atomic, molecular physics and cosmology. Topics will be announced.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 363  Topics in Nuclear Physics  (2 Credits)  
Fundamental structure and properties of nuclei. Nuclear reactions, models and decay. Examples taken from current medical and industrial applications.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 364  Topics in Astrophysics  (2 Credits)  
Selected topics in astrophysics. Such subjects as general relativity, cosmology, stellar formation and evolution and galaxies will be studied.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320 and MATH 239 and MATH 337  
PHYS 365  Topics in Elementary Particle Physics  (2 Credits)  
Physics at the smallest known length scale. Topics will include relativistic particle decay, construction of baryons and mesons from quarks, the four fundamental interactions and corresponding gauge particles, the vision and consequences of grand unified theories, the cosmic onion.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 366  Topics in Relativity  (2 Credits)  
Foundations and application of the special and general theories of relativity. Topics covered may include: relativistic kinematics, structure of flat space-time, curvature and topologies of general space-times, Schwarzschild and Friedman solutions, cosmology, black holes and gravitational radiation.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 367  Optics  (2 Credits)  
An introduction to geometrical and physical optics: matrix optics, interferometry, thin films, Fourier optics, spatial filtering, holography.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 368  Topics in Space Physics  (2 Credits)  
Space physics is the study of plasma which fills the space between the Sun and planets of our solar system. The course will include an introduction to plasma physics, followed by a study of the atmosphere of the Sun, the solar wind, the Earth's magnetosphere, auroras, and space weather.
Prerequisites: PHYS 320  
PHYS 370  Advanced Physics Laboratory  (1 Credit)  
Research and experimentation for juniors. Topics selected by the student in consultation with a faculty member. May be repeated for credit when different experiments are done.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 371  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the upper-division level. Permission of department chair and completion and/or concurrent registration of 12 credits within the department required. Consult department for applicability towards major requirements. Not available to first-year students.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 372  Senior Research  (1 Credit)  
Individualized experimental or theoretical projects for seniors. Fall.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 373  Senior Thesis  (1 Credit)  
Oral and written report based on the work done in 372 or 374. Spring.
Prerequisites: PHYS 372 or PHYS 374  
Attributes: Writing Requirement (WR)  
PHYS 374  Senior Engineering Design Project  (1 Credit)  
Individualized engineering design project for seniors. Fall.
Prerequisites: None  
PHYS 381  Research Seminar  (1 Credit)  
Solving complex problems in interdisciplinary topics which will be drawn from mathematics, computer science, and physics. Students will work in groups and present their results.
Prerequisites: PHYS 281  
Equivalent courses: CSCI 381, HONR 340B, MATH 381  
PHYS 397  Summer Internship  (1-16 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None