Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Withdrawal from the College

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University recognize that students may decide to discontinue their enrollment either during the semester or between semesters for a variety of reasons. Students may voluntarily withdraw or seek a leave of absence. There are also circumstances that may result in the involuntary withdrawal of a student.

Voluntary Withdrawal

A withdrawal from college is most appropriate for a student who is discontinuing enrollment at CSB or SJU to attend another college or university or a student who has decided to pursue options outside higher education. The proper withdrawal form must be completed for the withdrawal to be official. Withdrawal forms are available at the Residential Life or Academic Advising Office at CSB and the Campus Life, or Financial Aid Office at SJU.

No official record of attendance for that term is kept if a student withdraws from CSB or SJU during the first 20 days of the semester. Students who withdraw from school after that date, but before the final 16 class days of the semester, receive a grade of W for all courses registered for that semester. Official withdrawal during the last 16 class days of any semester will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of a withdrawal pursuant to this policy, the normal tuition refund schedule will apply. If a student withdraws from the institution before completing 60% of a semester, the College or University may be required to return some or all of the federal or state financial aid awarded to the student.

Students who have withdrawn from CSB or SJU may choose to apply for readmission to the colleges in order to continue their studies. Consult the Admission Office for further information on readmission.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence is most appropriate for a student who is temporarily discontinuing enrollment at CSB or SJU for a period of time. Circumstances that may merit a leave of absence include medical situations or family emergencies. The Dean of Students and Office of Academic Advising will determine whether a leave of absence is to be granted. The length of the leave shall be no more than two semesters, one semester being the one in which the student was granted the leave. The proper leave of absence form must be completed for the leave to be considered. Leave of absence forms are available at the Residential Life or Academic Advising Office at CSB, the Campus Life or Financial Aid Office at SJU.

No official record of registered courses for that term is kept if a student withdraws from school during the first 20 class days of the semester A student who is granted a leave of absence from school after that date, but before the final 16 class days of the semester, receives a grade of W for all courses registered for that semester. A leave of absence during the last 16 class days of any semester will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of a withdrawal pursuant to this policy, the normal tuition refund schedule will apply. If the date the leave of absence begins before the student has completed 60% of a semester, the College or University may be required to return some or all of the federal or state financial aid awarded to the student.

Students who take a leave of absence from Saint Benedict's or Saint John's may choose to re-enroll in order to continue their studies. Consult the Admission Office for further information on re-enrollment after a leave of absence.

Involuntary Withdrawal

A student may be involuntarily withdrawn if the student is unwilling or unable to voluntarily withdraw and if the Associate Provost for Student Success or Dean of Students deems it necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or others. Any decision must consider not only the overall functioning of the student, but also the broader emotional impact and safety of the campus community.

No official record of attendance for that term is kept if the student is involuntarily withdrawn from school during the first 20 class days of the semester. A student who is involuntarily withdrawn from school after that date, but before the final 16 class days of the semester, receives a grade of W for all courses registered for that semester. The record of a student who is involuntarily withdrawn from school during the final 16 class days of the semester will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of an involuntary leave pursuant to this policy, the normal tuition refund schedule will apply. If a student is involuntarily withdrawn from school before completing 60% of a semester, the College or University may be required to return some or all of the federal or state financial aid awarded to the student.

A student who wishes to return to Saint Benedict's or Saint John's after an involuntary withdrawal must submit documentation from an appropriate health professional attesting to the welfare of the student. This documentation must be released to the Dean of Students and will be reviewed in consultation with the Director of Counseling and Health Promotions and others as deemed appropriate. Additionally, the student must apply for readmission to the colleges. Final authority on returning to classes will rest with the Associate Provost for Student Success or the Dean of Students.

Please Note - for information on Withdrawing from a Course, please go to GRADES