Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Rights and Responsibilities

Student Agreement

By registering at the College of Saint Benedict or Saint John's University, a student agrees to become familiar with and observe the policies, procedures and regulations presented in the catalog, student handbooks, the official class schedules and in other authorized documents of the colleges. Students also agree to comply with the directions of authorized college personnel.

Advisers are provided to assist students in planning their academic program. Advisers are not authorized to change established policy of the colleges. Students are solely responsible for assuring that their academic program complies with the policies of the colleges. Any advice which is at variance with established policy must be confirmed by the academic dean.

Catalog Applicability

Students must fulfill the general graduation requirements of the catalog in effect when they matriculate in the colleges. If those requirements later change, provision will be made in implementing the new requirements, or by specific exemption, to allow currently enrolled students to graduate in a timely fashion.

Students may choose to satisfy the specific academic major requirements of any catalog which is in effect during their years of study in the colleges. However, they must fulfill all of the requirements for the academic major in the catalog which they select.

Changes in policies or procedures which are only marginally related to degree requirements (such as grading or registration) apply to all enrolled students. Exceptions can only be granted by decision of the appropriate academic officer.