Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition


Scholastic Attainment

The number of credits required for graduation is 124 with a grade point average of 2.00 in the major and minor fields and overall. Of these, at least 40 credits must be earned in upper-division courses.

Some programs require higher grade point averages for admission and graduation. See the individual departmental listings for more information.


At least 48 of the 124 credits required for a degree must be residential credits earned from the College of Saint Benedict or Saint John's University. Residential credits include credits earned at CSB and SJU or one of its sponsored or approved study abroad programs. At least half of the credits required for the major, excluding supporting courses, must be earned from Saint Benedict's or Saint John's University.

To graduate from CSB and SJU, 24 of your last 32 credits must be completed at CSB and SJU. Any concurrent credits taken elsewhere while enrolled at CSB and SJU would be considered part of the eight allowed.

Integrations Curriculum

A candidate for a degree who entered Fall 2020 and later must fulfill the requirements of the integrations curriculum.

Academic Major

A candidate for a degree must complete the work required for a major in a field of his or her choice. A department may require a comprehensive examination. In September, departments usually inform all majors of departmental policies regarding comprehensives.

Degree Application

Degrees are awarded at the conclusion of a term, in August, December and May. A formal application for the baccalaureate degree must be filed with the Registrar's Office by the end of the term prior to the term of planned graduation. An audit of the student's progress towards meeting degree requirements is available in Degree Works. It is the student's responsibility to see that they have taken all courses which are needed for graduation are reflected in their program of study on Degree Works.

Candidates for a degree must complete 24 of their last 32 credits at CSB/SJU. Any concurrent credits taken elsewhere while enrolled at CSB/SJU would be considered part of the eight allowed. Students who intend to complete degree requirements through transfer must obtain prior written approval from the Academic Advising Office (for Integrations Curriculum requirements) or their department chair (for major requirements). See also Studies at Other Colleges or consult the Registrar's Office.

Any concurrent coursework from other colleges intended to fulfill graduation requirements requires proof of enrollment sent to the Registrar's Office by March 1st in order to be considered eligible to participate in May commencement. An official transcript indicating satisfactory completion of the coursework must be forwarded to the Registrar's Office prior to a degree being granted. The date of receipt of an official transcript with transfer work will impact the CSB/SJU graduation date if received after degrees have been awarded for the term.

Commencement Participation

Only seniors whose current registration will bring them within 8 credits of completion of all degree requirements may participate in commencement exercises. It must be possible by normal registration for a student to gain the necessary credits by the date declared as the planned graduation date. Registration is normally defined as enrollment in courses at CSB/SJU. Remaining "I/F" grades from previous terms will be considered failures in the degree auditing process.

Graduation with GPA Honors

Honors are conferred at graduation upon students who have maintained high scholastic excellence. To be eligible for graduation honors, students must have the following standing:

  • For the degree egregia cum laude, a cumulative grade point average of 4.00;
  • For the degree summa cum laude, a cumulative grade point average of 3.90;
  • For the degree magna cum laude, a cumulative grade point average of 3.75;
  • For the degree cum laude, a cumulative grade point average of 3.65


For current students, paper transcripts are issued without charge. Transcripts are issued to former students for a fee. All electronic transcripts are processed through the National Student Clearinghouse for a fee. See the Registrar's Office Transcript webpage for more information.

A transcript or verification letter may be withheld for any student who has not settled all financial accounts.