Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

J-Book Student Life Policies

  1. Introduction
  2. Academic Policies and Regulations
  3. Alcohol Policy
  4. Bias and Hate Reporting
  5. Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Policy
  6. Campaigning Policy
  7. Confiscation and Return Policy
  8. Drug Policy
  9. Freedom of Protest Policy
  10. Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression Policy
  11. Fire Safety Policy
  12. Good Neighbor Policy​
  13. Hazing Policy
  14. Health Insurance Policy
  15. Information Technology (IT) Services Policies
  16. Lost and Found Policy
  17. Major Events Policy
  18. Medical Amnesty Policy (formally Good Samaritan Policy)
  19. Non-Discrimination Policy
  20. Property and Grounds Policy
  21. Public Health Policy
  22. Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy
  23. Solicitation Policy
  24. Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX
  25. Unauthorized Possession and Vandalism of Property Policy
  26. Unauthorized Recording Policy
  27. Weapons Policy


All communities have standards of conduct, and this is especially the case with the intentional communities of colleges and universities. At the College of Saint Benedict (“CSB”) and Saint John’s University (“SJU”) (collectively, the “Institutions”), these standards are grounded in our mission and our Catholic and Benedictine traditions and are integral to the development of each student.

The high standards embodied in the Code of Conduct and the Policies in the Student Handbooks (the Bennie Book for CSB and the J-Book for SJU) have been developed through the cooperative efforts of students, faculty, and administrative leaders. All members of our community agree to abide by and comply with each of these standards upon enrollment. Although the Institutions enforce these standards through the Student Conduct Process, it is the first and foremost responsibility of CSB and SJU students to hold themselves and their fellow students to these clear and high standards.

It is each student’s responsibility to become aware of the content of their respective student handbook. Ignorance of a policy or regulation will not be considered an excuse for failure to observe it.

All members of the CSB and SJU community are bound by the laws of the surrounding community. Student status does not protect a CSB or SJU student from arrest or prosecution for violation of local, state, or federal laws. A student who violates certain regulations can be held accountable by the public courts as well as by the Institutions. A student’s standing before the courts in and of itself, however, does not necessarily affect their standing within the Institutions at any time.

The information provided, and the regulations and policies articulated in the Bennie Book and the J-Book are not intended to be all-inclusive and do not constitute a contract. The Institutions reserve the right at any time to add to, modify, or revoke any of its regulations and policies, including those in the handbook, without notice.

For the purpose of the Code of Conduct and the Student Life and Residential Life Policies in the respective student handbooks, “Property” shall mean SJU Abbey, CSB Monastery, CSB Campus, SJU Campus and all property and facilities thereon.

Academic Policies and Regulations

Please see Academic Policies and Regulations for more information.

Alcohol Policy

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University are in compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Community Act (“DFSCA”) which requires institutions of higher education to establish policies that address unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs and the establishment of a drug and alcohol prevention program.  This policy is written in accordance with Minnesota state and federal law and reflects the mission, goals, and academic standards of the Institutions. 

Statement of Care

The Institutions believe that individual choices involving the use of alcohol have an impact on the individual and the community. National studies have found that alcohol use is closely linked to sexual assault, declining academic performance, violent crime and, alcoholism among college students. For these reasons, the Institutions’ alcohol policy demonstrates a strong ethic of care and establishes healthy standards for the community in relation to the responsible and legal use of alcohol.

As residential colleges, CSB and SJU students live and learn in a community of peers. Some of the learning that takes place is social in nature. Abiding by the standards and expectations regarding responsible and legal alcohol use is a part of that educational process. The choices a student makes about their alcohol use can have long-term effects on behaviors, attitudes, and values. Learning one's limits and understanding the responsibility everyone has to the community are integral to the residential experience. Students are expected to make legal and responsible choices regarding alcohol use and are responsible for their behavior. Students will be held accountable for their behavior on both campuses and off-campus. Being in a community means that individuals are also responsible for others. Taking action to care about and confront inappropriate alcohol use among one's peers makes the community stronger. 

Individual Use

  1. Individuals under 21 years of age are not allowed to possess or consume alcohol. 
  2. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older, who choose to use alcohol, are expected to use, and consume alcohol responsibly.
  3. Students are responsible for their guests including their alcohol use and for any violation of the Institutions’ policies, disorder, or damage associated with the behavior of guests.
  4. Students who violate state or local liquor laws off-campus may be subject to prosecution by local law enforcement in addition to campus disciplinary action.
  5. Individuals are not allowed to possess or consume alcohol on the Link Bus, or any vehicles owned by the Institutions. Damage and/or behaviors related to alcohol consumption and/or being under the influence on the Link Bus or a vehicle owned by CSB or SJU will result in campus disciplinary action. 
  6. The sale or distribution of alcohol to individuals under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  7. Alcoholic beverages cannot be consumed anywhere on the Property without prior approval.

Campus Housing

  1. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older may possess or consume alcohol within a private room, apartment, or house where at least one assigned resident is 21 years of age or older and is present. Students of legal drinking age living in a mixed-age group with students who are not of legal age to drink must label their alcohol clearly with their name.
  2. No alcohol is permitted in first-year residence halls (including Aurora, Corona, and Regina at CSB and St. Thomas and St. Mary at SJU). An exception can be made for residents who are age 21 or older living on the first floor of St. Thomas Hall in accordance with other policies.
  3. Individuals are not allowed to stockpile, store, or display an excessive amount of alcohol or empty alcohol containers in their residences.
  4. Kegs, party balls, or other common containers of alcohol (e.g., punch bowls) are not allowed in residence halls, houses, or apartments.
  5. Alcohol may not be consumed in any common spaces including hallways, lounges, balconies, or any other public spaces of residence halls, houses, or apartments. 
  6. Drinking games or drinking contests of any sort are strictly prohibited in all student residential housing.
  7. Alcohol and related items including containers, kegs, taps and beer bongs will be confiscated without return when a violation occurs.
  8. Students living in a residential facility requesting a social gathering must abide by the social gathering policy.  Social gatherings are defined as a group of individuals meeting in residential space. (The number of people at the gathering at any time cannot be greater than three times the occupancy of the room.  These gatherings can include alcohol in accordance with the rules of the social gathering policy.

Outdoor Consumption

Residents and guests of townhouses and apartments on the Property should always be respectful to neighbors, members of the Institutions, and the City of Saint Joseph community.

Individuals consuming alcohol beyond the designated areas for outdoor consumption is a policy violation. Exterior porches and patios of apartments and townhomes have a maximum occupancy of 12 people.

In accordance with the guidelines below, students are allowed to consume alcohol outside of:


  • Centennial Commons Townhouse porches
  • The interior Centennial courtyard


  • Flynntown Apartments: On the back sidewalk on the Northwest corner of the building. (Please see map)
  • Vincent Court Apartments: Between the front door and the sidewalk directly in front of the specific unit (Please see map)
  • Seton Townhomes:  Between the front door and the sidewalk directly in front of the specific unit (Please see map)

Please Note: Open containers are not allowed in public areas including Idzerda Commons, or other public areas of Centennial Commons, and the hallways, lounges, basement, or other public areas of Flynntown Apartments, and the McKeown Center.

Outdoor Consumption Expectations:

  1. Students and guests consuming alcohol must be at least 21 years of age.
  2. Only residents of the specific unit and the guests of that unit are allowed to consume alcohol on the unit's porch or in the other designated outdoor areas.
  3. Guests consuming alcohol at designated outdoor locations must be present with a resident/host of that unit.
  4. Common containers of alcohol will not be allowed in designated outdoor locations. Common containers include but are not limited to coolers, packs of beer, kegs, and bottles of liquor.
  5. The Institutions’ staff, at their discretion and for any reason, reserve the right to ask students to move indoors or ask guests to leave the premises altogether.
  6. Games (table or other) that are unrelated to the promotion of the consumption of alcohol, including, but not limited to, corn hole, the die game, and frisbee are acceptable.  Students may responsibly consume alcohol while playing these games so long as they, and their guests, follow all outdoor consumption guidelines.  Drinking games or drinking contests of any sort are strictly prohibited in all residential housing and all outdoor consumption areas.
  7.  Staff reserve the right to check containers, as necessary. 

Student Clubs and Organizations

  1. Alcohol service for student club and student organization events may only be provided by SJU Dining Services, CSB Culinary Services or another licensed vendor.
  2. Events where alcohol is served and students are the primary audience require an alcohol permit from the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement. The Center for Student Leadership and Engagement, in consultation with the Director of Life Safety Services or Director of Campus Security, has the administrative authority to grant or withhold permits for events serving alcohol to students.
  3. Student clubs and organizations may not use allocated student activity fee funds or any club, organization, or other generated revenue (e.g., t-shirt sales, membership fees) to purchase alcohol for any club or student event.
  4. Student clubs and organizations may not sponsor or promote an event that uses the sale or availability of alcoholic beverages at an event may not be the primary focus of advertising (e.g., ads in The Record, any kind of electronic posting such as e-mail, Facebook, other social media networks, posters, bulletin boards).
  5. Student clubs and organizations, including student media, may not use the name or alcohol products of any beverage distributor in the advertisement or promotion of an event.
  6. Events with alcohol must also provide non-alcoholic beverages and food that lasts for the duration of the event.
  7. Events with alcohol must not allow any form of drinking game or contest.
  8. Members of student clubs and organizations are not allowed to consume alcohol while participating in club or organization meetings, activities, or competitions.
  9. Student clubs and organizations must supervise events with alcohol.  Individuals with responsibility for supervising an event with alcohol may NOT consume alcohol at the event.
  10. Members of student clubs and organizations hosting events with alcohol are held responsible for the legal and responsible use of alcohol, as well as any illegal use of alcohol, by spectators or event participants.
  11. Alcohol cannot be stored in student clubs or organization offices.
  12. At no time, can clubs or organizations transport, possess, or use alcohol in motorized or recreational vehicles. 
  13. Alcohol use is discouraged on trips or retreats that are funded by the student activity fee.  Illegal alcohol use is prohibited, and responsible use of alcohol is expected from those who are 21+. Alcohol use is not permitted during official trip activities, events, programs, or competitions.
  14. Student clubs and organizations sponsoring events at CSB or SJU must comply with the Order of St. Benedict, St. John’s Abbey, CSB and/or SJU policies regarding the use of Property.

Driving under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated (DUI/DWI)

The Institutions consider a DUI/DWI to be a serious offense. Students cited for DUI/DWI may lose their ability to park and/or drive on the Property and will not be permitted to operate campus vehicles for at least four years.

A student cited and/or arrested for a DUI/DWI may be disqualified from certain student employment positions, leadership positions, study abroad or varsity sports. The Dean of Students (or designee) determines the date of requalification after the student satisfactorily completes all assigned sanctions.

Any individual documented for using illegal drugs in a vehicle or allowing others to use illegal drugs in a vehicle may lose the ability to park and/or drive on both the Property and will not be permitted to operate campus vehicles for 5 years. 

Bias and Hate Reporting

CSB and SJU believe that an excellent liberal arts education requires cultural competence and an ability to live and work in ways where all feel valued and respected. To that end, we are dedicated to cultivating an equitable, inclusive, and just community grounded in the Benedictine value that all persons inherently deserve respect and dignity. For more information regarding reporting and resources please see Bias and Hate Reporting.

Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Policy

Students are prohibited from engaging in harassment, intimidation or bullying. A student will be found responsible for harassment, intimidation or bullying if he or she engages in conduct, including any gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication (which includes emails, text messages, and internet postings on websites or other social media), whether it be a single incident or series of incidents, that  occurs on the Institutions’ property,  through use of the Institutions’ facilities, or at any function sponsored by the CSB or SJU or any organization related to the Institutions, on or off campus; that is so severe or pervasive and objectively offensive that it substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the Institution(s) or the rights of any  student or other member of the CSB and/or SJU community; and that:

  • Involves intimidation or threats to another person’s safety, rights of personal privacy and property, academic pursuits, employment at CSB or SJU, or participation in activities sponsored by the CSB or SJU or organizations or groups related to CSB or SJU; or a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or
  • Creates an intimidating or hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student’s education, or by materially impairing the academic pursuits, employment or participation of any person or group in the University community, or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student or other member of the University community; or
  •  A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or other person or damaging the person’s property or placing him or her in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his or her person, or to any member of that person’s family or household, or of damage to his or her property.

The actions as defined above will not be tolerated as they disrupt the orderly operation of the Institutions and the rights of the members of our Institutions. Students may be found responsible for harassment, intimidation, bullying, discrimination, bias motivated conduct, and/or retaliation if they engage in any conduct determined to be harassment, intimidation, or bullying.   

The following examples may constitute or contribute to evidence of harassment, intimidation, and bullying:

  • Persistent singling out of one person
  • Shouting or raising one’s voice at an individual in public or private spaces.
  • Using obscene or intimidating gestures
  • Not allowing the person to speak or express themselves (i.e., ignoring or interrupting).
  • Personal insult and use of offensive nicknames
  • Repeatedly accuse someone of errors that cannot be documented.
  • Spreading rumors and gossip regarding individuals

Campaigning Policy

The Institutions recognize the educational and civic merits of participating in the political process and encourage political awareness. As academic institutions, the Institutions promote the free expression of political ideas. Furthermore, the Institutions are committed to strict neutrality regarding candidates and political events, providing equality of treatment in so far as possible, and preserving the right to privacy enjoyed by each student. To implement these principles, the Institutions established these policies regarding political campaigns and events.

In this policy, the word “candidate” refers to an individual who has filed for an elected office with the appropriate governmental agency. A group or individual who fails to comply with these policies may be liable under the applicable laws of the state of Minnesota and the Institutions’ policies.

Political Speeches, Rallies, and Appearances

  1. A political group or candidate may not use the Property when the purpose of the use or publicity from the use implies that the Institutions, together or separately, support(s), endorse(s), or lends its name to the group or candidate.
  2. In approving appropriate requests for the use of the Property by a candidate, the Institutions shall seek to demonstrate neutrality and equality within the limits of the available Property.
  3. The Institutions shall make a reasonable effort to distribute costs for security and the use the Property in an equitable manner as it does for any other person or group brought to campus.
  4. Areas for political campaigning by a candidate and/or their representatives include the Gorecki lobby and Fireside lounge, the Gorecki bus stop, and public areas of residential buildings at CSB. At SJU, campaigning areas include the Sexton Commons lobby, the Sexton bus stop, and public areas of residential buildings at SJU. Public areas of residential buildings are defined as any unlocked area such as entrances, lobbies, and lounges within a residential building.
  5. Candidates and/or their representative(s) may campaign and/or distribute information in the designated areas as defined in item 4 above after they have completed a Request for Political Speeches, Rallies, or Appearances and received appropriate approval. All requests will be processed through the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement in consultation with the Dean(s) of Students.
  6. Requests to hold a speech, rally, or appearance with a political candidate can be made here:

Door-to-Door Campaigning

  1. Door-to-door campaigning in locked residence halls and apartments requires a specific prior appointment approved by the Residential Life Office which is entitled to deny admittance or require expulsion for reasonable cause.
  2. Any candidate and/or their representative(s) campaigning door-to-door must be accompanied by an enrolled CSB student or SJU student representing a campus student organization. If no such student is available, the Residential Life Office will assist the candidate and provide the necessary escort. Reasonable notice (a minimum of 2 business days) is required if such assistance is needed.
  3. Candidates and/or their representative(s) are not allowed in students' rooms.
  4. The Institutions reserve the right to limit a candidate’s visit to reasonable hours.
  5. Requests for door-to-door campaigning are made using this form:

Political Advertisements

  1. Political posters, signs, and advertisements are subject to the same posting policy as all other posters, signs, and advertisements, with the following exceptions:
    1. Posters, signs, and advertisements with the purpose or intent of implying that the Institutions, together or separately, support, endorse, or lend its name to the group or candidate are not permitted.
    2. Political posters, signs, and advertisements regarding a particular candidate are prohibited in all employee offices and workspaces, common department offices and spaces, classrooms, hallways of buildings including residence halls, and all other spaces open to community and/or public use. See Faculty Handbook and Administrative Staff Handbook for additional information.
    3. Students may post political material in their rooms and on their doors. Students may not put any type of posters, signs, flags, and/or advertisements in the windows of their rooms.
    4. CSB and SJU Residential Life staff reserve the final judgment of displays and postings in areas visible to the public and retain authority to remove displays or postings at their discretion. 
  2. Political information and campaign literature may be slid under the doors in the student residences by individual students and student groups and must clearly indicate the name and contact information of the sponsoring recognized student club or organization. Approval is required from the Residential Life Office before putting political information under doors of student residences.
  3. Materials sent to students directly from a candidate or a non CSB and/or SJU recognized club or organization must be clearly postmarked by federal mail.
  4. Requests to distribute political material under doors of student residences can be made here:

Student Government Campaigns

  1. Campaigns for positions in student government are expected to comply with the rules for those elections as specified by the appropriate student government and comply with established posting policy of the Institutions.
  2. If the student government has passed no rules, the rules outlined here shall apply.

Confiscation and Return Policy

All articles confiscated by CSB or SJU staff because of possession (related to alleged violations of federal or state law, or CSB or the SJU Code of Conduct and related policies), abandonment, or illegal use become the property of the CSB or SJU and will be disposed of at the discretion of CSB or SJU.

Property will be held no longer than 30 business days from the time of confiscation. A storage fee, based upon the length of time the article is stored by the CSB or SJU, may be charged when an article is claimed and eligible for release to take home but not picked up in a timely manner.

Property abandoned by residents following departure from residential spaces on CSB and SJU campuses is outlined in the CSB and SJU Residential Life Abandoned Property Policy (add link).

Drug Policy

The Institutions are in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act (DFSCA) which requires institutions of higher education to establish policies that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs and the establishment of a drug and alcohol prevention programs as well as provide counseling and emergency services for students. Unless federal law preempts state law, the Institutions follow applicable federal laws first and then apply state and local drug control laws. Federal law will generally take precedence over state and local laws. These laws are applicable to all members of the Institutions.

Students may not possess, distribute, manufacture, and/or consume illicit drugs or any substance used for an intoxicating effect and related paraphernalia on the Property. Misuse or distribution of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or the intent to distribute drugs will not be tolerated by the Institutions.  

The Institutions have a responsibility to maintain a safe and secure environment for students to pursue their educational goals free from the use and/or presence of illegal drugs and paraphernalia. Any information that comes to the attention of the Institutions regarding this policy may be communicated to law enforcement.

Freedom of Protest Policy

The right of peaceful protest within the campus community is permitted. The college retains the right to assure the safety of all individuals, to protect property and to maintain continuity of the educational process. Interference with entry and exit from the college facilities, interruption of classes or damage to property. Where space is used for an authorized college function, whether in a class, an approved meeting, or normal or service-oriented activity, the reasonable regulations established by the person in charge must be respected.

Students wishing to conduct a peaceful protest of demonstration must do so in compliance with the Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression Policy.

Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression Policy 

The mission of the Institutions is to provide a liberal arts education for women and men in a Christian, Catholic, Benedictine environment. Essential to that Liberal Arts educational tradition is freedom in the pursuit of truth by examination of issues and problems from various points of view. Confident that faith and reason are mutually supportive, rigorous scholarship is revered as a centuries old Benedictine idea, articulated in the mission statement of the Institutions. The Institutions will, therefore, assure and encourage opportunities for open dialogue that is consistent with the Catholic mission and character of the schools.

External Speakers and Performers

  1. The Institutions value the right of freedom of speech guaranteed by the United States Constitution for all contracted guests, speakers, artists, and performers invited to the campus. At the same time, as private institutions, CSB and SJU retain the right to limit contracted guests, speakers, artists, and performers that are not consistent with the Catholic mission and character of the schools.
  2. The Institutions welcome the presentation of diverse views, fully realizing that this policy may result in the expression of views contrary to the majority view of ethical standards of the Institutions.
  3. The Institutions will allow students to protest a speaker’s views in an orderly manner before, following, or during the presentation if such protest is in accordance with the Demonstration Protocol set forth in Section B below.
  4. All contracted guests who are sponsored or invited to campus by students or student clubs/organizations shall not present or perform material that is defamatory or inconsistent with the Catholic identities, mission, and character of the Institutions. 
  5. The Institutions may cancel contracted performances or any activities that it determines to be in violation of said Catholic identity, any of the Institutions' campus policies, or violation of any federal, state, or local law.
  6. Recognizing that the educational aims of particular speeches are better attained within environments other than a large public forum, the Institutions retain the right to assign speakers to appropriate environments.
  7. The Institutions will discourage the suggestion that their support of free expression of ideas is an endorsement by the Institutions of all ideas expressed.
  8. The Institutions will not allow any attendees to disrupt or interrupt presentations by speakers or performers invited to come to campus.

Demonstration Protocol 

  1. Prior to conducting any demonstration on campus, the organizer is required to obtain an authorized demonstration permit from the Department of Security at CSB and/or Life Safety at SJU (in consultation with Marketing Communications). The organizer of the demonstration, whether student, administrator, faculty, staff, alum, or guest, must contact the Department of Security at CSB or Life Safety Services at SJU a minimum of three (3) business days in advance of the anticipated demonstration to complete the demonstration permit, receive the Demonstration Letter of Rule form, a copy of the completed permit, and a copy of the Minnesota State Statute 609.605 - Trespass Laws.
  2. All demonstrations must be conducted outside of campus buildings in a designated area within the time limits established by the Department of Security at CSB and Life Safety Services at SJU.
  3. Only signs that can be held by hand are permitted. No signs attached to any stick or pole are allowed.
  4. No amplified equipment will be permitted (public address systems, megaphones, etc.).
  5. Demonstrators are required to remove any litter and other protest-related materials that result from their activity.
  6. The reasonable regulations established SJU Life Safety and/or CSB Security must be respected. 
  7. Demonstrations must not exhibit any of the disruptive behaviors outlined in the Freedom of Protest Policy.
  8. Demonstrations cannot, in any form, interfere with the freedom of movement or normal activities of any person or group, nor will it include temporary or permanent defacement of any campus property.
  9. Any demonstrator not abiding by these policies will be asked to leave campus and become subject to being removed by the Department of Security at CSB or Life Safety at SJU and/or arrested by law enforcement agencies if unwilling to cooperate with the request to leave campus. Students who are uncooperative in returning to their residence are also subject to removal from campus by the Department of Security at CSB or Life Safety at SJU and/or arrest by law enforcement agencies.

Fire Safety Policy

Most buildings on campus include the necessary fire safety equipment for community living, yet the danger of fire, threatening loss of life and property is very real. Most of the safety measures provided can be made ineffective through tampering or misuse. Because of the serious increase in life hazards that can be caused by compromising any of the regulations below, these violations are considered grave offenses. It is the duty of the Institutions to enforce the following regulations:

  1. Smoking (all forms) and vaping is prohibited in all campus buildings and residence halls.  See Smoking and Tobacco Policy.
  2. Burning any aroma-enhancing substances (all forms such as candles, and incense) is prohibited in all campus buildings and residence halls. See the candles and incense policy.
  3. Students should contact the Office of Residential Life and Housing for religious accommodations related to burning candles, sage, etc. 
  4. Firefighting equipment, including but not limited to fire extinguishers, standpipe hoses, and fire alarms are to be used only in case of fire. Misuse of any fire safety equipment incurs an automatic minimum fine of $300. Doors to stairwells and other fire doors are never to be blocked open as this permits smoke from a fire to travel from floor to floor and makes it difficult for people on upper floors to get out.
  5. All students, employees, and guests are required to evacuate a building whenever the fire alarm sounds. Once outside, they are to move at least 100 feet away from the building and wait until fire department personnel indicate it is safe to return to the building. There will be two fire drills per year in each residence area and one per year in all other buildings. None of these will be announced. The fact that it is a drill does not lessen the obligation to leave the building.
  6. It is a policy violation to store charcoal, propane, or lighter fluid or any grilling device in campus residence halls and apartments.   Supplies related to grill use need to be stored outside of buildings on the Property. See the Grilling Policy.
  7. The sale, possession, and use of some non-explosive and non-aerial consumer fireworks are permitted in Minnesota effective April 30, 2002: however, all fireworks are still prohibited on private property including all property of CSB and SJU. Any fireworks found on the campuses will be confiscated and are non-returnable. Person(s) in violation of campus policy or Minnesota law are subject to campus or criminal sanctions.

Bonfires/Campfires - CSB Campus

CSB does not allow open fires (bonfires, campfires, or portable fire pits) anywhere on the campus grounds.

There are four gas firepits available for student use. They are located on the Mary Commons patio, Lottie Hall patio, Centennial Commons picnic area, and the Multicultural Student Center patio. The gas firepits can be operated with CSB residential room keys for the patio area in which they live, to turn them on/off. Groups and organizations planning an event can discuss seasonal access to the Mary Commons gas firepit (and key) with the CSB Events Office.

Bonfires/Campfires - SJU Campus

Bonfires/campfires are permitted on Watab Island and require a burning permit from the Fire Department, and which can be requested online through Saint John's Outdoor University. Open fire permits must be in your possession during the time of the burning. You may be asked to produce the burning permit by the Life Safety Officer or Fire Department personnel. All fires must be contained in the pit provided, thoroughly extinguished before leaving the area, and must never be left unattended. If the fire department responds to the complete extinguishment of the pit, the person responsible will be billed a minimum of $300 for their services.

The person to whom a burning permit is issued will be held responsible for any damage due to the fire and/or failure to adhere to policies. Fire-related infractions are an automatic, minimum $300.00 fine, plus damages.

Good Neighbor Policy

As residential liberal arts college, the Institutions educate students on the importance of living in community and understanding the obligations of civic responsibility. Students are expected to follow the behavioral guidelines as listed in the Bennie Book or the J-Book both within and outside our educational communities.

Students should expect to be held accountable for their behavior, both on and off campus, when the behavior is detrimental or disruptive to the purpose or mission of the Institutions. CSB and SJU students are responsible for upholding the laws or standards of the community where they live. Students may also be held accountable for providing or creating an environment where illegal behavior is allowed to occur and may be held responsible for the behavior of their guests.

The Institutions may follow up on information received from third-party sources (other institutions of higher education, law enforcement, etc.) through the student conduct process. The student conduct process shall be considered independent of other processes.

Of particular concern are acts that interfere with the actions or directions of emergency personnel (law enforcement, medical, fire, or rescue) or their equipment. Additionally, destruction of or damage to property or actions that threaten the safety of members and of the community, wherever they may be, will not be tolerated.

Disregarding or violating this policy may result in formal disciplinary action that can include forfeiting participation in CSB and/or SJU events or activities (e.g., commencement).

Students are advised to respect the laws of all our neighboring communities. Students should make themselves aware of all City of Saint Joseph ordinances particularly those regarding noise, social host, and the use of alcohol.

For a complete list of information regarding local ordinances please see the City of Saint Joseph Ordinances:

City of Saint Joseph Ordinances

Hazing Policy

Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created by an individual or group, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off the Property, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, or in any way demean the dignity of another human being.

In accordance with Minnesota State Law, hazing of any kind is strictly forbidden by the Institutions and is subject to severe sanction. The Institutions unconditionally prohibit all hazing by students, student organizations, athletic teams, and employees. Our goal is that every student on this campus will be free from the humiliation and danger of hazing.

Any type of initiation or activities that imply, encourage, condone, or allow students to misuse alcohol or other drugs, violate the law, or commit unethical, immoral, or inappropriate behavior are explicitly forbidden.

Incidents of hazing at the Institutions should be reported to a CSB or SJU official including but not limited to a coach, a club advisor, the Title IX Coordinator, the Senior Diversity Officer, the CSB or SJU Dean of Students (or designee), or CSB Security or SJU Life Safety Services.

Individuals involved in hazing are subject to disciplinary action and may be suspended, expelled, and/or face additional sanctions which may include the Institutions referring the case to outside law enforcement agencies.

Recognized student organizations, clubs, club sports, or athletic teams which may be involved with hazing may be sanctioned by withholding of the Institutions funds; suspension of the organization, club, or team status or charter; disqualification for funds, space, or activities; forfeiture of games/meets or events; suspension from meeting or playing for the duration of the season; and/or disqualification from recognition and awards.

Health Insurance Policy

CSB and SJU require all new and returning students to have a health insurance policy in place while attending Saint Ben’s or Saint John’s. For more information, please visit Student Accounts.

Information Technology (IT) Services Policies

Please see Information Technology (IT) Services Policies

Lost and Found Policy

The Institutions have multiple sites on each campus where “lost and found” items are collected. Those sites bring items to the primary lost and found sites listed below. Items will be logged into the Lost and Found and every effort will be made to locate the rightful owner. Items turned in to Lost and Found will be held for up to 90 days (about 3 months). After 90 days (about 3 months), unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity or disposed of.

  • To claim a lost item, individuals will be asked to accurately describe the item, provide a picture ID, and sign a receipt.
  • The Institutions members are asked to bring found items to the CSB Security or SJU Life Safety Office as soon as possible.

Primary Lost and Found sites on each campus:

  • CSB - Security p. 320-363-5000 located in Mary Commons e. 
  • SJU - Life Safety p. 320-363-2144 located in Tommy Hall Basement e.

Secondary Locations that collect Lost and Found:

  • CSB Culinary (Gorecki and McGlynn’s)
  • SJU Dining (Refectory and Sexton)
  • Athletics & Recreation Departments on both campuses

Major Events Policy

This policy aims to assist campus event planners in understanding how to host a major event involving or impacting the Institutions, or our community members. Major events are defined as those programs or activities which, by their nature, alter or have the impact of altering the routine and operations of a facility, property, staffing plan, and/or may have public relations implications for the Institutions. All events planned must adhere to all the Institutions policies. Failure to do so may result in sanctioning the students and or sponsoring student clubs or organizations. The Institutions reserve the right to cancel an event if any of the above conditions are not met. Costs associated with canceling the event due to non-compliance are the responsibility of the sponsoring group. For additional event planning information, please see the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement website.

Medical Amnesty Policy (formally Good Samaritan Policy)

The Institutions are committed to the health, well-being, and safety of its students. The Medical Amnesty Policy is designed to be used when, in the judgment of others, a student needs medical assistance and/or Campus Security and Life Safety assistance because of drug or alcohol use.

This policy is intended to encourage students to come forward without fear of disciplinary action being taken against the intoxicated/impaired student or those who seek to help them. This policy is based on the premise that failure to call for medical assistance and/or Campus Security and Life Safety assistance in an alcohol or drug-related emergency violates our Institutions’ standards.

When assisting an intoxicated individual by alerting the Institutions staff (e.g., FR/RD, RA, Life Safety/Security, EMT), neither the impaired individual nor those who seek help will be subject to formal disciplinary action.

For the Medical Amnesty Policy to apply, those calling for help must remain with the impaired student until the Institutions staff arrive, and the impaired students must follow the medical, health, and safety recommendations of the assisting staff.

While no official disciplinary report will be filed in a student's record as related to the alcohol and/or drug policy violation, the impaired individuals will need to follow up with Student Development staff regarding the incident.

When necessary, the Dean of Students (or designee) will render the final decision regarding whether the Medical Amnesty Policy can be applied in a particular situation. The Institutions cannot guarantee that criminal charges will not be brought against the student if local law enforcement officials are required for assistance during the incident.

In cases in which a student is transported to the hospital or a detoxification center for a medical emergency and is unconscious or otherwise in serious physical jeopardy, parental notification by the Institutions officials may occur, not for the purpose of disciplinary action, but as a health and safety measure. Records and Privacy – CSB+SJU

Non-Discrimination Policy

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University are committed to working toward a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, which are free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation of any form are a violation of a person’s rights, dignity, and integrity. Such acts debase the integrity of the educational process and work environment and are contrary to the mission and values of CSB and SJU. For more information, please see Non-Discrimination Policy.

Property and Grounds Policy

Policies govern the use of the Property, the Abbey and Arboretum, and Saint Benedict’s Monastery and Monastic woods in relation to the grounds and lakes.

Damage to the Property and grounds can result in response by the Institutions through the student conduct process, including financial restitution for the impact of the behavior(s).

Specific information regarding these regulations is posted at various access points to the property. Although we encourage the respectful use of our woods and water by residents and guests, these policies are strictly interpreted and enforced for the safety of people and the preservation of our natural resources. For policy brochures and special permits required for the specific use of these properties please contact Life Safety Services for SJU properties and Campus Security for CSB properties.

Life Safety Services, Tommy Hall Basement, SJU (320-363-2144)
Campus Security, Mary Commons, CSB (320-363-5000)

CSB Campus Grounds & Property Restrictions: No hunting, motorized boats or vehicles, camping, unauthorized open flames (see Fire Safety Policy), or alcoholic beverages of any kind are allowed. With the exception of service animals and approved emotional support animals, no other domesticated animals or pets are permitted inside any campus buildings. Pets may walk through campus while on a leash and under the control of an owner/caregiver. Owners/caregivers are expected to pick up and properly dispose of animal waste.

SJU Campus Grounds & Property Restrictions: No hunting, motorized boats or vehicles, bikes of any kind, camping without prior approval, unauthorized open flames, or alcoholic beverages of any kind are allowed. All of the land at SJU and Abbey has been designated as a state wildlife refuge since 1933. As such, NO pets of any kind are permitted except approved emotional support animals and service animals.

Any events happening on either campus must follow the rules and regulations specific to the campus it is held on and the space/property that is being used.

Public Health Policy

Masking, physical distancing, good hand hygiene, and following the recommendations of the CDC and state health officials can significantly mitigate the spread of infectious diseases.  In the interest of community health, students are expected to comply with public and community health guidelines, the Institutions’ policies, procedures, or any other requirements implemented to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading infectious diseases.  

In the event of policies, procedures, and/or requirements are implemented to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, a student who fails to comply after a warning, whose behavior is belligerent, or whose infraction is egregious to the point it could put others at risk, that student may be asked to move off campus immediately, complete their academic work remotely if possible, and be restricted from being on the campuses.  This includes compliance with specific vaccine, quarantine, and isolation guidelines.

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

Tobacco use, including smoking and breathing secondhand smoke, presents significant health hazards to the public.  Secondhand e-cigarette aerosol contains nicotine, ultrafine particles, and low levels of toxins that are known to cause cancer.  In addition to causing direct health hazards, smoking contributes to institutional costs in other ways, including high risk for fire damage, cleaning and maintenance, absenteeism, health care, and medical insurance.  Tobacco use includes smoking (inhaling, exhaling, burning, vaping, or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, pipe, or other device) and the use of smokeless/chewable tobacco.

The use of tobacco products (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and other tobacco products) are prohibited in all Property, other partially or fully enclosed structures, bus stops, and athletic field structures (including but not limited to outdoor seating, dugouts, and player shelters).

The use of tobacco products (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and other tobacco products) are prohibited in all owned or operated vehicles of the Institutions.

Smoking and the use of vapor-related products outside of campus buildings must take place at least 25 feet from any entrance, exit, or any building’s fresh air intake.  Any user should exercise discretion near public/visitor entrances and non-smokers.

The Institutions prohibit the sale or free distribution of tobacco products and the advertisement or acceptance of money or merchandise demonstrating loyalty to a tobacco company or any second-party sales or marketing outlets or agents.

Reference: Environmental Health and Safety - Cigarette Smoke and Tobacco Use 12 -2014.pdf - All Documents (

Solicitation Policy

This policy, which regulates all means of solicitation on the Property, such as mailing lists, bulletin boards, campus access, space, and student PO boxes, intends to protect students' rights to privacy and freedom from harassment and manipulation without the undue restriction of creative initiative. A permit granted for one campus does not automatically grant the right to solicit on the other campus. After completing a solicitation permit, and with approval from the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership, individuals or groups may solicit items on campus.

  1. Persons or entities not directly affiliated with the Institutions must first be approved by the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership to conduct solicitation activities and must restrict their solicitation to the Gorecki Fireside Lounge at CSB and Sexton Commons at SJU.
    • Solicitation by persons or entities not directly affiliated with the Institutions is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED IN ALL RESIDENCE AREAS (including all private rooms, lounges, common areas).
    • The merchandise being sold cannot compete with any school auxiliary enterprises, e.g., bookstores.
    • A fee may be required to reserve space for sales or solicitation.
    • Student clubs and organizations can sponsor an outside agency to sell merchandise with approval from the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement.
  2. CSB and SJU Student clubs and organizations, with approval from the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement, may sell products as a means of raising funds for their clubs or organizations. The use of proceeds from the solicitation are to be clearly described in all printed material. Locations for sales are limited to Gorecki Fireside, Sexton Commons, and public areas of residential buildings on both campuses.
  3. Solicitation by an individual for personal gain or benefit is prohibited.
  4. Solicitation of funds or gifts from off-campus businesses is subject to the Gift Solicitation Policy.

Gift Solicitation

Responsibility for all fundraising rests with the CSB and SJU Institutional Advancement Offices. All off-campus fund-raising activities require the authorization of both Institutional Advancement offices. Permission will be granted only if fundraising will not interfere with normal fundraising activities by CSB or SJU students, employees, volunteers, or organizations for support of any of the Institutions activity or program, and if funds are to be raised for a purpose consistent with the Institutions objectives. All solicitations for gifts of any kind are to be conducted under the direction of Institutional Advancement.

Student clubs and organizations and the Institutions‘ personnel may not initiate or carry-on fundraising projects or solicit gifts off campus without permission of the President of the Institutions. Students who want to initiate such projects must contact the Vice President for Institutional Advancement to receive this permission. If it is determined that the solicitation will not interfere with other fundraising efforts and is for a purpose for which the Institutions are seeking support, permission may be given to solicit under the direction of Institutional Advancement. This policy applies to gifts of any kind.

Residential Solicitation

The Institutions' student clubs or organizations wishing to solicit funds or donations, or to sell anything within the Institutions' residential buildings must receive permission from the Director of Residential Life (or designee). The uses of proceeds from solicitation are to be clearly described in all printed materials. Off-campus businesses, groups, and/or organizations are strictly prohibited from soliciting inside residential areas.

Religious Solicitation

Religious organizations or representatives other than CSB Campus Ministry and SJU Faith are not permitted to solicit on campus, conduct worship services, or give presentations without the expressed written permission of the respective CSB Campus Ministry and SJU Faith office. Religious solicitation by an outside group or individual is not permitted in residential areas under any circumstances. The distribution of religious materials by CSB and SJU students in the residential areas is prohibited unless approved by CSB Campus Ministry and SJU Faith of the campus on which solicitation is to be done.

Mailing Labels & Email Distribution Lists

Permission for use of the institutions' mailing and/or email distribution lists will be granted only under very exceptional conditions. Requests for mailing labels are to be made in writing to the Dean of Students (or designee) and must specify the use to which the labels will be put.

Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University are committed to providing the best educational environment for all students and has several resources available related to Title IX incidents or concerns. For more information, please see Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX.

Unauthorized Possession and Vandalism of Property Policy

Stealing or theft of property (including personal property and/or the Institutions property) is defined as the unauthorized possession (temporary or deprivation of), taking, and/or transferring of property, without permission, that does not belong to oneself, whether intentional, attempted, or the actual taking of property. This policy includes and applies to the unauthorized use of intellectual property, such as copyrighted material. 

Students are not permitted to willfully tamper, vandalize, damage, or destroy property belonging to the Institutions or any individual(s).

Unauthorized Recording Policy

Unauthorized audio, visual, or video recording is defined as materials or data collected in any format where such information is likely to cause harm, injury, distress or where such recording is prohibited by another Institutions policy.  This can include but is not limited to:

  1. Data collected recording another person in a locker room, changing room, restroom, or residential space;
  2. Data collected without the person’s explicit consent, in which the circumstances the person has reasonable expectations of privacy;
  3. Data collected that violates the intellectual property of others, including class sessions, lectures, or performances without the faculty/staff member’s consent;
  4. Sharing data without authorization, including posting such data online that causes harm and/or violates intellectual property rights;
  5. Secretly collecting data of other members of the Institutions. Individuals recording any electronic data (including but not limited to in-person, telephone, or video conversations) are expected to tell all parties to the conversation that the conversation is being recorded and make the fact that the information is being recorded known and apparent to the all person(s) being recorded.     

Weapons Policy

No weapons of any kind are allowed in the possession of CSB and SJU students, employees, or guest/visitors. This policy includes any weaponry, whether real, realistic replicas, or facsimiles of weapons, which can cause or be reasonably perceived to cause bodily harm or threat of harm. This policy also includes the prohibition of fireworks, firecrackers, firearms, BB Guns, paintball guns, explosive materials, or knives with blades over four (4) inches.

Any exceptions to this policy, including those for academic, recognized student club, organization, or club sport, or demonstration purposes, must be approved by the CSB Director of Campus Security or the SJU Director of Life Safety Services. Weapons used for game hunting, trapshooting and ROTC must be registered with and securely stored at either CSB Campus Security or SJU Life Safety Services.  Trapshooting club members may store weaponry in the vault in accordance with SJU Life Safety regulations. Weapons that are not removed in accordance with regulations will be confiscated and a $25 charge will be issued for its release after proof of ownership is verified.

Violations of this policy are subject to severe sanctions including suspension. Anyone who uses weapons deliberately or otherwise in a way that hurts others, either physically or mentally, is destructive of property, or jeopardizes public safety may be suspended or expelled.