Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Nutrition (NUTR)

NUTR 110  Understanding Nutrition  (4 Credits)  
This course is intended for non-health-related majors. The course introduces the basic concepts of nutrition. Content includes: the functions of the major nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals) and food sources of each. The principles of diet evaluation, nutritional assessment, energy balance, weight control, nutrition, and fitness, and how food choices can enhance health, athletic performance, and reduce the risk of chronic disease are emphasized. Selected topics in current nutrition trends, protein quality, vegetarian diets, and food safety are explored.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 110L  
Restrictions: Students cannot enroll who have a major in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Exercise and Health Science, Integrative Science, Nursing or Nutrition.   
Equivalent courses: NUTR 113, NUTR 125  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2-Justice  
NUTR 110L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 110  
NUTR 113  Exploring Nutrition  (4 Credits)  
This course explores the relationship between food, nutrition, and health. Students will be introduced to the fundamental functions and dietary sources of macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Applications in health assessment, energy balance, basic metabolism, human performance, disease risk, and the social determinants of health are emphasized. Must enroll in laboratory concurrently. This course is required for the following majors: Nutrition, Nursing, Exercise and Health Science.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 113L  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 110, NUTR 125  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2-Justice  
NUTR 113L  LABORATORY  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 113  
NUTR 125  Concepts of Nutrition Science  (4 Credits)  
This course introduces the basic concepts of nutrition. The content includes: the functions of the major nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals) and food sources of each. The principles of diet evaluation, nutritional assessment, energy balance, weight control, nutrition and fitness, and how food choices can enhance health, athletic performance, and reduce the risk of chronic disease are emphasized. Selected topics in protein quality, vegetarian diets and food safety are explored. This course is required for students for the following majors: Nutrition, Nursing, and Exercise & Health Science.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 125L  
Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Exercise and Health Science, Integrative Science, Nursing or Nutrition.   
Equivalent courses: NUTR 110, NUTR 113  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2-Justice  
NUTR 125L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 125  
NUTR 215  Health Science Literacy and Research Methods  (2 Credits)  
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the essential skills of information literacy, scientific research, critical thinking, and evidence-based decision making. The first module focuses on health science information literacy, teaching students to discern reliable sources, employ search strategies, and critically assess information credibility. Emphasis is placed on ethical considerations in information use and promoting responsible engagement with diverse sources. The second module introduces students to research design methods used in various health sciences with a focus on nutrition. Practical exercises and case studies deepen understanding, fostering a hands-on approach to scientific inquiry. The final module explores Critical Thinking, honing analytical skills through the examination of current issues in nutrition and health. Students will learn to identify assumptions, evaluate arguments, and develop evidence-based conclusions. Written communications and oral group discussions will aim to encourage diverse perspectives.
Prerequisites: NUTR 113  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior, Sophomore or Senior.   
Equivalent courses: NUTR 395  
NUTR 220  Exploring Weight Issues: Obesity and Eating Disorders  (2 Credits)  
This course examines the diagnostic criteria and current prevalence of obesity and eating disorders (ED), including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The course will explore the multi-factorial causes and consequences of obesity and eating disorders, and the latest clinical treatment options, including an in-depth look at the theory and evidence behind many of the popular diets. The last section of the course will discuss prevention strategies for ED and obesity, and include novel public health approaches to the prevention of obesity.
Prerequisites: NUTR 110 or NUTR 125  
NUTR 223  Introduction to Food Science  (4 Credits)  
Introduction to Food Science is intended to provide an introduction to the principles related to the composition and chemical and physical properties of food. Chemical reactions that occur in foods due to formation, processing, and preparation procedures will be presented. This course includes a laboratory component that focuses on the functions of ingredients and preparation techniques in a variety of complex foods. The laboratory also focuses on sensory and objective characteristics of foods given certain changes in ingredients or preparation techniques.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 223L  
Restrictions: Students cannot enroll who have a major in Dietetics.   
NUTR 223L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 223  
NUTR 225  Food & Culinary Science (NW)  (4 Credits)  
A laboratory-based foods course which examines the underlying principles of chemistry, biology, and physics that influence food quality. Employing the scientific method, students observe the effects of modifying ratios and types of ingredients, as well as altering food preparation methods on a variety of food products. Emphasis is placed on classic culinary techniques in the preparation of food, and sensory and objective evaluation of the results of food experiments. Issues in food safety, technology, and biotechnology are discussed throughout this course.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 225L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2-Movement  
NUTR 225L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 225  
NUTR 230  Food and Culture  (4 Credits)  
Food and Culture examines how food functions in society and culture beyond the mere provision of nutrients. How do people use food to establish and communicate their individual, group, and social identity? How does food security contribute to social and cultural development? How do factors, including gender and ethnicity, influence food choices, food preferences, and views on health and wellness? These questions, and more, will be critically examined through reading, personal essays, and a group project that examines the foodways of a specific culture or ethnic group.
Prerequisites: None  
Attributes: CSD: Identity (CI)  
NUTR 231  Sustainable Cuisine  (2 Credits)  
This course addresses making food choices that positively impact climate change,the environment and human health, with a laboratory component focusing on the sustainability of the food we eat. Food sourcing, nutritional considerations, food preparation methods, and waste reduction will be examined. Emphasis is placed on classic culinary techniques in the preparation of plant rich foods, and sensory and objective evaluation of the results of prepared foods and experiments. Issues in food safety, technology, and biotechnology are discussed throughout this course.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 231L  
NUTR 231L  Laboratory (Food Cuisine )  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 231  
NUTR 232  Eating for Optimal Health  (2 Credits)  
This course explores the relationship between food and health, making it an ideal course for students working towards a pre-health career. Using a targeted application of evidence-based nutrition science information, students will prepare and create recipes and menus to enhance human nutrition and wellness. Hands-on laboratory culinary experiences provide skills to prepare foods for oneself and to teach others to do likewise.
Prerequisites: NUTR 113 or (NUTR 110 and NUTR 125)  
Corequisites: NUTR 232L  
NUTR 232L  Laboratory (Eating for Optimal Health)  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 232  
NUTR 240  Food Systems: Policy and Controversies  (2 Credits)  
This course is focused on the interrelationships between nutrition, various food systems, and agriculture. Food security, genetic modification, sustainability, and factors that impact producers and consumers will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 260D  
NUTR 260  Topics in Nutrition  (2-4 Credits)  
A tightly focused class that provides in-depth inquiry into one aspect of nutrition. Structure of the class will vary depending upon the topic but will combine lecture, discussion, and readings specific to the topic. When appropriate, the course may also incorporate experiential, laboratory-based projects or a research project. Topics vary but may include: sports nutrition, complementary and alternative medicine, historical perspectives on the development of the discipline of nutrition, culinary arts, or prevention or management of a specific disease or condition through nutrition therapy.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 or NUTR 225  
NUTR 260E  Nutrition and Human Performance  (2 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide an overview of nutrient use in physical activity and nutrition strategies to improve human performance across the lifespan. Within the course, students will learn basic concepts of energy metabolism, hydration, and nutrient requirements for a variety of physical activity levels for different age groups including childhood, adolescence, and older adulthood. Additional topics may include ergogenic aids, fad diets, weight gain/loss for physical performance, gastrointestinal issues, vegetarian/vegan diets for performance, and nutrient needs for physical activity in pregnancy.
Prerequisites: NUTR 110 or NUTR 125  
NUTR 260F  Topics: Gut Nutrition  (2 Credits)  
This course will explore the relationship between the digestive system and the gut microbiome in health and disease. The role of diet, lifestyle factors, medications, and the aging process on the gut microbiome and their subsequent impact on health will be discussed in depth. Specific focus will be placed on the development and modification of the gut microbiome over time, as well as the role of the gut microbiome in the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression.
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and CHEM 125 and NUTR 113  
NUTR 271  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the lower-division level. Permission of department chair required. Consult department for applicability towards major requirements. Not available to first-year students.
Prerequisites: None  
NUTR 300   Culinology of French Cuisine  (2 Credits)  
Structure of the class will combine lecture, discussion, and readings examining the food science behind the essential elements of French cuisine. Culinology®, Culinary Science, combines culinary arts and food science and technology to create safer more wholesome food. Research on food production and preservation will be combined with culinary preparation technique to create appealing food from a taste, texture and visual perspective. Students will also spend time with experiential learning in the food science laboratory applying knowledge previously discussed in the classroom.
Prerequisites: (NUTR 110 or NUTR 125) and NUTR 225  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 260A  
NUTR 301  Diet, Health & Disease Prevention  (4 Credits)  
A comprehensive overview of the evidence-based recommendations for diet and nutrition in the promotion of optimal health status and prevention of chronic disease. Dietary patterns and the role of genomics in health and disease will be examined. Diet and nutrition recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: (NUTR 110 or NUTR 125) and (BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z)  
Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Biology, Dietetics, Integrative Science, Nursing or Nutrition.   
NUTR 302  Physiology of Weight Regulation  (2 Credits)  
This is a combined discussion and lecture-based course which provides an overview of physiological processes that contribute to the regulation of body weight in humans. Concepts covered include the role of the brain in energy balance, adipose tissue hormones, gut hormones, the role of the gut microbiome in energy balance, and the influence of other physiological and environmental factors on adiposity. Students will be expected to read and interpret technical journal articles.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and (BIOL 216 or BIOL 201 or BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z) and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or CHEM 125B or CHEM 125C)  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 260B  
NUTR 305  Leadership in Dietetics  (2 Credits)  
This course is focused on professional knowledge and skill development related to practice issues in dietetics, such as Standards of Practice, professional ethics, health care ethics, health care policy and reform, and legislative involvement. Students will have the opportunity to develop a professional portfolio, and establish career goals. Fall.
Prerequisites: NUTR 323 and (NUTR 330 and (NUTR 343  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Senior. Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Dietetics, Nutrition or Nutrition Science (Old).  
NUTR 312  Nutrition Assessment  (2 Credits)  
Concepts and skills related to the process of obtaining, verifying, and interpreting data related to nutritional health is the focus of the course. The Nutrition Care Process, recognized by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, will be used for collection and analysis of data, establishing a nutrition diagnosis, and creating focused diet and lifestyle interventions to improve nutrition status and health.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and NUTR 323  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 331  
NUTR 319  Macronutrients  (2 Credits)  
This course builds on the introductory nutrition course information for macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and protein). Students examine metabolic pathways from a holistic perspective on how the body efficiently utilizes macronutrients for energy production and regulation. Practical applications of nutritional principles will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: NUTR 113 or (NUTR 110 and NUTR 125) and CHEM 125  
NUTR 320  Micronutrient Metabolism and Nutritional Supplementation  (2 Credits)  
Micronutrient metabolism is the study of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and includes discussion of the food sources, process of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and biochemical functions of micronutrients. Micronutrients are essential in the diet and often play supporting biochemical roles in energy metabolism of macronutrients. Micronutrients are often supplemented in the diet and this course will discuss the risks and benefits of supplementation for various conditions and diverse/ global populations at the biochemical level. Metabolism and biochemistry are explored in this class by investigating deficiency or toxicity manifestations and resulting metabolic and physiological consequences. For example, how might someone with vitamin D deficiency be at higher risk for other metabolic conditions? Classroom time will explore micronutrient metabolism in depth and provide opportunities to apply the concepts to deepen understanding.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and CHEM 125  
Equivalent courses: NUTR 331  
NUTR 323  Public Health Nutrition: Infancy Through Aging  (4 Credits)  
This course studies human growth and development across the lifespan, from preconception, pregnancy and lactation, infancy through childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older adults. A public health approach is used to examine the unique needs of each population, accounting for the impact of social determinants of health and identifying health disparities. Students will explore current nutrition and health guidelines, specific to each lifespan stage, while identifying programs or policies to improve health and reduce inequalities.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 or NUTR 110  
Attributes: Social World (SW), Thematic Encounter3 - Justice  
NUTR 326  Global Malnutrition and Disease  (4 Credits)  
This upper division Nutrition course will allow students to build upon fundamental concepts of nutrition and apply them to real-world applications in the context of global health. Food security, the burden and origins of disease, social economic status, policy, education, and natural disasters all impact nutrition globally and will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking a Thematic Focus Course. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Attributes: Social World (SW), Thematic Focus - Truth  
NUTR 330  Nutritional Biochemistry and Assessment (Macronutrients)  (4 Credits)  
The physiological functions and biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and protein will be explored comparing normal metabolism to the altered metabolism of selected disease states (alcoholism, diabetes, etc.). The laboratory will emphasize research design and techniques for determining nutritional status. Students will learn how to formulate a hypothesis, design experiments, collect data, measure and interpret nutritional assessment parameters, integrate and analyze information, answer research questions, and draw appropriate conclusions. Fall.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 is required prior to taking NUTR 330. You must take CHEM 250 prior to or at the same semester as NUTR 330. NUTR 330 is a thematic focus - Truth course therefore you must take INTG 100 or 205 prior and you must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as NUTR 330.   
Attributes: Thematic Focus - Truth  
NUTR 333  Nutrition Therapy - Chronic Disease  (4 Credits)  
Intended for students enrolled in the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), the course provides an overview of the role of the diet and nutrition in the management and treatment of selected diseases. Class theory will emphasize how diet contributes to the pathophysiology of disease process and why diet is altered in response to certain pathologies. Topics include the Nutrition Care Process, nutrigenomics, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, food allergies and intolerances, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Prerequisites: NUTR 323 and (NUTR 330  
NUTR 337  Nutrition Therapy - Critical Care  (4 Credits)  
Intended for students enrolled in the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), the course presents an overview of the role of diet and nutrition in the management and treatment of selected conditions and diseases. Class theory will emphasize how diet is altered in response to certain pathologies, and will cover topics such as kidney diseases, cancer, critical care nutrition, nutrition support, and pulmonary diseases, Spring.
Prerequisites: NUTR 323 and NUTR 330 (may be taken concurrently)  
Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Dietetics.   
NUTR 341  Nutrition Education  (2 Credits)  
This course examines the principles and theories of effective nutrition education. Using the principles and theories, students engage in projects such as developing and delivering nutrition education presentations for adults and/or children, creating public displays, writing nutrition articles and materials, and using and evaluating media.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and NUTR 323  
NUTR 341L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 341  
NUTR 342  Interviewing and Counseling Skills  (2 Credits)  
The course examines the principles and theories that provide a framework for successfully influencing behavior and motivating behavior change. Basic concepts of counseling theory, methods, and interviewing strategies are addressed.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and NUTR 323  
NUTR 342L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 342  
NUTR 343  Food Production and Procurement  (4 Credits)  
The principles of food planning and production, menu planning, procurement, service and distribution, sanitation and safety, and facility management--including layout, design, and equipment selection--are addressed using a system approach to food service operations. Significant hands-on quantity food production laboratory experiences will take place in the large-scale kitchens of CSB/SJU and the surrounding community. A final class catering project will reflect a culmination of the theory discussed throughout the course and the experience gained in supervised practice.
Prerequisites: NUTR 225  
Corequisites: NUTR 343L  
NUTR 343L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 343  
NUTR 345  Entrepreneurship and Management in Food Industry  (4 Credits)  
The course will provide a forum for studying the process of management, which provides the framework for discussion of leadership in the profession. Emphasis will be placed on the foodservices system, where management and leadership decisions are made with the understanding of their effect on the whole as well as the parts. The course begins with a review of important background information: paradigms and societal transformations; systems theory; ethics; and social responsibility. The following major management functions are covered to provide the guiding structure for review of the fundamental principles and responsibilities of the modern leader in food and nutrition services: 1) planning, decision-making, and communication and marketing; 2) organizing structures; 3) leadership and organizational change; 4) human resources management; and 5) controls and financial management. Students will engage in a unique hands-on experience building on their prerequisite knowledge of Experimental Food Science (NUTR 225) and Food Production and Procurement (NUTR 343) as they develop and operate a small company. Students will develop a business plan and examine the managerial functions of planning, organizing, human resource management, leadership, and controlling the financial and quality factors within the structure of their system. In the process, students will market their company to potential clients and ultimately produce and serve foods designed to meet client expectations. The course consists of lecture, research, and development labs and outside catered events.
Prerequisites: (NUTR 223 or NUTR 225) and NUTR 343  
Corequisites: NUTR 345L  
Attributes: Social World (SW)  
NUTR 345L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: NUTR 345  
NUTR 350  Public Health & Community Nutrition  (2 Credits)  
Public health and community nutrition programs are aimed at protecting the health of diverse populations, addressing health inequities, and focusing on disease prevention. This course will explore the role, function, and opportunities that public health programs provide in relationship to community health. Federal, state, and local programs will be discussed. Students will examine the goals of various programs and how they promote nutrition, tackle current public health challenges, and improve the well-being of various populations.
Prerequisites: NUTR 323  
NUTR 371  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the upper-division level. Permission of department chair and completion and/or concurrent registration of 12 credits within the department are required. Consult department for applicability towards major requirements.
Prerequisites: None  
NUTR 377A  Native Food Sovereignty  (4 Credits)  
This course focuses on the role of food sovereignty and nutrition in the context of Native and Indigenous population experiences and health. This course will focus on the ways that colonization affected the norms and structures of Indigenous food practices.  Students will also investigate different biological, social, and political factors that have led to Native populations experiencing a high prevalence of chronic disease in the United States.
Prerequisites: You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking a Thematic Focus Course. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Focus - Justice  
NUTR 380  Nutrition Research Seminar I  (2 Credits)  
This course is the first in a two semester seminar sequence intended to introduce students to the process of conducting research. In this seminar course, students will: develop a research question; conduct a literature search; learn about types of research designs and their appropriate use; write a research proposal; learn about the institutional review process (IRB) and informed consent. Students typically enroll Spring of junior year.
Prerequisites: NUTR 323  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior, Sophomore or Senior.   
NUTR 381  Nutrition Research Seminar II  (2 Credits)  
This course is the second in a two-semester sequence intended to introduce students to the process of conducting research. In this second seminar course, students will: learn how to develop research budgets and seek funding; review and apply basic statistical methods to analyze data; practice data analysis and graphic presentation; write abstracts; and develop a poster presentation and a formal oral presentation. Fall.
Prerequisites: NUTR 330 and MATH 124  
NUTR 390  Independent Nutrition Research  (1-4 Credits)  
Students, working with a research advisor, engage in independent research. Students are expected to meet regularly with the research advisor(s) and follow a jointly agreed upon schedule of planned meetings or stages or work. Students will be required to present the outcome of the research project to a public audience. Number of credits assigned will vary by project (1 credit = 4 hours/week of work). Permission of the chair required for registration.
Prerequisites: None  
NUTR 395  Senior Nutrition Seminar  (2 Credits)  
A discussion-based course that will focus on contemporary issues in food and nutrition. Students will prepare and present a major paper to participants in the course. Emphasis will be placed on analysis, interpretation, and application of evidence from major sources in the discipline.
Prerequisites: NUTR 125 and NUTR 225 and NUTR 323  
NUTR 396  Nutrition Research Capstone  (2 Credits)  
This capstone experience focuses on individual research. Students develop their own individual research project and progress through each step of the research process. Suitable research topics are integrative in nature, requiring students to utilize their nutrition background and aspects of other disciplines. Students will design, collect, and analyze their data, complete a paper, and present their research. Spring
Prerequisites: NUTR 380 and NUTR 381  
NUTR 397  Internship  (1-16 Credits)  
Completed Internship form is required. See XPD Web Page.
Prerequisites: None  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)