Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Biology (BIOL)

BIOL 101  Foundations of Biology  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamental principles underlying the biological world and the means by which biologists investigate it. Students will explore the scope of biology within the context of a specific biological system, with the goal of being able to think like a biologist about the natural world. Lab will take students outdoors to engage in scientific inquiry around the SJU campus. Fall.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 101L  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 101Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter1/2 - Truth  
BIOL 101L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 101  
BIOL 106  Plants and Humans  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to plant science featuring horticultural techniques and plants that have impacted society. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 107  Field Biology  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to the natural history of plants and animals with an emphasis on the ecosystems of Central Minnesota. The laboratory is field-oriented, concentrating on developing an understanding of basic ecological interactions. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 108  Microbes and Human Affairs  (4 Credits)  
An examination of the role microorganisms play in various aspects of human affairs. Consideration will be given to both the beneficial activities and the harmful effects of microbes. The laboratory emphasizes the morphological diversity and physiological activities of microorganisms. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 109  Environmental Science  (4 Credits)  
A survey of the scientific basis of human interactions with nature. Topics include global environmental problems, analysis of local and regional issues, population biology and conservation of ecological systems. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 110  Life Science  (4 Credits)  
Exploration of fundamental principles and processes of biology through their application to biological topics of interest to the liberal arts student. The concepts and topics examined will help students to interpret and understand important scientific events affecting society. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 112  Human Biology  (4 Credits)  
Human biology has as its goal an understanding of the biology of the human organism. Emphasis is on genetics, embryology, endocrinology, physiology, anatomy and environmental factors that influence and affect humans. Intended for non-majors. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 180  Summer Courses  (2 Credits)  
Biology courses offered specifically during the summer term.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 201  Intermediate Cell Biology and Genetics  (4 Credits)  
This course builds on the material covered in BIOL 101, and includes biological molecules, cell structure, cell signaling, metabolism, and classical and molecular genetics. Laboratories provide the students with opportunities to investigate these topics at a cellular and molecular level. Intended for science majors. .
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 as well as CHEM 123, 125 or HONR 210 are required prior to BIOL 201. BIOL 201 Lab must be taken at the same time as BIOL 201. In addition BIOL 201 is a Thematic Focus Course and requires that you take INTG 100 or 205 and Cultural and Social Difference Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time BIOL 201.   
Corequisites: BIOL 201L  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 115, BIOL 121, BIOL 121Z  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Focus - Truth  
BIOL 201L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 201  
BIOL 202  Evolution in Action  (4 Credits)  
This course builds on the material covered in BIOL 101 and 201 by examining evolutionary processes, and some of the tools used to understand these processes, in the context of important biological themes. Laboratories provide opportunities to investigate these topics while building on the skills acquired in BIOL 101 and 201.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z and BIOL 201 or BIOL 201Z) or (BIOL 121 or BIOL 121Z and BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z)  
Corequisites: BIOL 202L  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 115, BIOL 116, BIOL 222, BIOL 222Z  
BIOL 202L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 202  
BIOL 212  Microbiology  (4 Credits)  
Survey of microorganisms emphasizing those that cause disease. Topics include morphology and physiology of microorganisms, sterilization, disinfection, and specific diseases and their causative agents. Laboratory work emphasizes aseptic technique. Intended for pre-nursing students.
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z  
Corequisites: BIOL 212L  
Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Nursing.   
BIOL 212L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 212  
BIOL 216  Human Physiology  (4 Credits)  
This course is specifically designed to introduce nutrition and dietetics students to basic principles of human physiology from cellular processes, to the workings of organ systems, to homeostasis. The course will use a case study, problem-based learning approach to teach basic physiology from applied examples that students will likely be exposed to in their future clinical practice.
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 214  
BIOL 271  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the lower-division level. Permission of department chair required. Does not count toward major requirements. Not available to first-year students.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 277A  Plants and Society  (4 Credits)  
An introduction to plant sciences and their role in human society, with a focus on food security, conservation, climate change, and Ojibwe and Dakota plant sciences. Labs will explore using the scientific method to answer justice-related questions regarding plant cultivation and conservation. Intended for nonmajors.
Prerequisites: BIOL 277A Lab must be taken at the same time as BIOL 277A. In addition BIOL 277A is a Thematic Focus Course and requires that INTG 100 or 205 Learning Foundations has been completed and that you take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time BIOL 277A   
Corequisites: BIOL 277AL  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Thematic Focus - Justice  
BIOL 277AL  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 277A  
BIOL 300  Protist Diversity  (2 Credits)  
Protists are eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals, or fungi. They include algae, protozoans, slime molds, and countless diverse microbes. Protists play many important ecological roles, such as human parasites, primary producers, beneficial mutualists, plant pathogens. As the ancestors of all other eukaryotes, they experimented with cell structure, sex, multicellularity, and complex life cycles. Special attention given to their morphology, evolution, ecology, and importance to humans. Spring
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
Corequisites: BIOL 300L  
BIOL 300L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 300  
BIOL 302  Fungal Diversity  (2 Credits)  
A survey of the various groups of organisms belonging to the kingdom Fungi. These organisms are important decomposers, plant pathogens, human parasites, and as mutualist with plants and algae. Special attention is given to their morphology, phylogeny, ecology, and importance to humans. Laboratories include examination of living and prepared specimens as well as experimental work with fungi. Prerequisite: BIOL 202. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
Corequisites: BIOL 302L  
BIOL 302L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 302  
BIOL 304  The Evolution of Terrestrial Plants  (2 Credits)  
An overview of the evolution of the major groups of terrestrial plants from their green algal ancestors. We will follow the changes that took place as these organisms have become better adapted to living on dry land, from mosses to ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. Special attention is given to their morphology, phylogeny, ecology and importance to humans. Laboratories entail the examination of living and prepared specimens. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
Corequisites: BIOL 304L  
BIOL 304L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 304  
BIOL 305  Invertebrate Zoology  (4 Credits)  
Classification, evolution, structure, life cycles and ecology of representative invertebrate animals. Laboratories include a study of representative species from major taxa. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 305L  
BIOL 305L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 305  
BIOL 307  Biology of Microorganisms  (4 Credits)  
This course begins with introduction and comparison using structural, molecular, and physiological characteristics of the representative microbial groups. Special topics that students will research include host-parasite relationships, microbial genomics and synthetic microbiology, and the environmental impact of microorganisms. Laboratory will stress research design and student-based projects. Students will design experiments using microbiology techniques including different culturing methods, microscopy, and identification techniques. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201 and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or HONR 210E)  
Corequisites: BIOL 307L  
BIOL 307L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 307  
BIOL 308  Plant Systematics  (4 Credits)  
A study of the principles of identifying and classifying flowering plants, with a focus on plant species that are found on campus, exemplify conservation concerns, or are of special interest to human health and society. Labs will involve identifying plants on campus in order to answer conservation questions, analyzing data, and preparing herbarium specimens.
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z  
Corequisites: BIOL 308L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Justice, Writing Requirement (WR)  
BIOL 308L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 308  
BIOL 309  Biology of Insects  (4 Credits)  
Examination of the morphology, systematics, behavior, ecology, evolution and economic importance of major groups. Laboratory and field studies of local insects. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 222 or BIOL 222Z or BIOL 202  
Corequisites: BIOL 309L  
BIOL 309L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 309  
BIOL 311  Cell Biology  (4 Credits)  
A study of the organization and function of plant and animal cells, emphasizing the experimental basis of current concepts in cell biology. Laboratory work includes light and electron microscopy, cell culture, cytochemistry and other techniques of cellular investigation. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201 and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or HONR 210E) and (CHEM 250 or CHEM 250A) and (CHEM 201 or CHEM 201A) and (CHEM 202 or CHEM 202A)  
Corequisites: BIOL 311L  
BIOL 311L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 311  
BIOL 315  Virology  (4 Credits)  
Structure and chemical composition of viruses. Host-virus interactions with emphasis on bacterial and animal viruses, subviral particles and viral evolution. Laboratory focuses on techniques for culturing and characterizing bacterial viruses.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 315L  
BIOL 315L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 315  
BIOL 316  General Genetics  (4 Credits)  
The principles and applications of gene transmission are a primary focus of this course. Gene and genome structure and function are also discussed in detail. The laboratory serves to introduce students to techniques and analytical approaches that are routinely used by practicing geneticists. Fall and spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 316L  
BIOL 316L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 316  
BIOL 317  Biochemistry  (4 Credits)  
Lecture and laboratory study of the chemical characteristics of biological molecules with emphasis on bioenergetics, enzymes, metabolic pathways and integration, biological signals and membrane receptors. Fall and spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201 and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or HONR 210E) and (CHEM 250 or CHEM 250A) and CHEM 255 and (CHEM 201 or CHEM 201A) and (CHEM 202 or CHEM 202A) and CHEM 205  
Corequisites: BIOL 317L  
Equivalent courses: BCHM 317  
Attributes: Writing Requirement (WR)  
BIOL 317L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 317  
BIOL 318  Molecular Genetics  (4 Credits)  
Lecture and laboratory study of the structure, function, and organization of genetic material and the regulation of gene expression. Lecture topics explore modern applications including epigenetics, gene editing, and gene therapy. Laboratory techniques and applications include DNA and RNA manipulations, recombinant DNA technology, gene editing, and analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequence. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201 and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or HONR 210E) and (CHEM 250 or CHEM 250A) and (CHEM 201 or CHEM 201A) and (CHEM 202 or CHEM 202A)  
Corequisites: BIOL 318L  
BIOL 318L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 318  
BIOL 319  Immunology  (4 Credits)  
A study of the initiation and the biological/chemical aspects of the immune response. Emphasis is placed on the innate response, B and T cell development, T cell receptor and antibody protein and gene structure, and the adaptive response to an infection. Attention will be given to hypersensitivities (allergies), autoimmunity and tumor and transplant immunology.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z or BIOL 201) and (CHEM 125 or CHEM 125A or HONR 210E)  
BIOL 319L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 319  
BIOL 320  Neurobiology  (4 Credits)  
A reading, writing, and discussion-based investigation of neurobiological principles such as neuronal and circuit structure and function, cellular excitability, synaptic transmission, and the neurobiological basis of disease. Students will produce a critical analysis of a current neurobiological issue of their choice. Current experimental techniques are used to generate, analyze, and interpret data in laboratory and in class discussions. Spring.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z) and BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 320L  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 373K  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Truth  
BIOL 320L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 320  
BIOL 322  Developmental Biology  (4 Credits)  
Mechanisms by which a fertilized egg becomes a mature organism are explored at both the molecular and cell-tissue level. These patterns and principles of development are considered for a variety of animal species. Laboratories include observation of normal development and experimental manipulations of the normal processes.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 322L  
BIOL 322L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 322  
BIOL 323  Animal Physiology  (4 Credits)  
Structure, function and physiological adaptations in a variety of animals including humans. Metabolism, cardiovascular physiology, nerve and muscle function, salt and water balance, excretion, temperature regulation and endocrinology. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 323L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Movement  
BIOL 323L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 323  
BIOL 325  Human Anatomy and Physiology I  (4 Credits)  
Integrated study of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body, with emphasis placed on structure-function relationships. Major concepts stressed are how function at the cellular level governs events observable at the tissue, organ, or systemic tier, and physiological mechanisms necessary for homeostasis. Topics covered include excitable tissue, skeletal system, nervous system, muscular system, endocrine system. Laboratory component involves dissection exercises, study of human models, and inquiry-based investigations of muscle physiology and nervous system function. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201 or BIOL 212  
Corequisites: BIOL 325L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Movement  
BIOL 325L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 325  
BIOL 326  Human Anatomy and Physiology II  (4 Credits)  
Integrated study of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body, with emphasis placed on structure-function relationships. Major concepts stressed are how function at the cellular level governs events observable at the tissue, organ, or systemic tier, and physiological mechanism necessary for homeostasis. Topics covered include the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system and water, electrolyte and acid-base balance. Laboratory component involves dissection exercises, study of human models, inquiry-based investigations of cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary system physiology, and a group independent research project. Spring.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 325  
Corequisites: BIOL 326L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Truth  
BIOL 326L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 326  
BIOL 327  Plant Physiology  (4 Credits)  
A study of how plants function and grow. Topics include metabolism, water relations, growth and development, gas exchange and responses to the environment. Laboratory provides a hands-on opportunity to work with plants and learn basic physiological techniques.
Prerequisites: You must take BIOL 175 or 201 prior to BIOL327. You must take BIOL 327L at same time as BIOL 327. BIOL 327 is a Thematic Focus - Movement course. You must take INTG 100 or 205 prior to taking a Thematic Focus Course. You must take a Cultural and Social Difference: Identity (CI) course prior to or at the same time as Thematic Focus Courses.   
Corequisites: BIOL 327L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Focus - Movement  
BIOL 327L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 327  
BIOL 329  Histology and Technique  (4 Credits)  
Investigation of tissue characteristics, development, and interrelationships. Extensive laboratory experience in applicable microtechnique.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z or BIOL 201)  
Corequisites: BIOL 329L  
BIOL 329L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 329  
BIOL 330  Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates  (4 Credits)  
This course studies vertebrate anatomy in developmental and evolutionary contexts. We examine each of the body’s major organ systems within the framework of vertebrate phylogeny so as to begin to understand how and why vertebrate structure has changed over time. Structures are illustrated and compared through dissection of representative vertebrates in the laboratory portion of the course. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
BIOL 332  Natural History of Terrestrial Vertebrates  (4 Credits)  
Amphibians, reptiles (including birds), and mammals comprise the Tetrapoda, or terrestrial-vertebrate group. In this course we examine tetrapod anatomy, physiology, behavior, and evolution. Laboratories emphasize identification of, and field experience with, the tetrapods of central Minnesota. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
BIOL 334  General Ecology  (4 Credits)  
An exploration of the historical, theoretical and empirical development of the science of ecology. Topics include dynamics of populations, interactions among species, and the organization and function of ecosystems. We devote special attention to the interplay between theoretical and empirical studies, with emphasis upon current research whenever possible. In the laboratory, students are expected to work in teams to design and implement a research project and present their findings in a public forum. Recommended prerequisite MATH 124. Fall.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 or ENVR 275  
Corequisites: BIOL 334L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Movement  
BIOL 334L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 336  Behavioral Ecology  (4 Credits)  
A study of animal behavior with emphasis on the ways in which the ecological circumstances surrounding animals help shape their behavior. Laboratory experience in the observation and analysis of behavior in living organisms. Spring.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 or ENVR 175  
Corequisites: BIOL 336L  
BIOL 336L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 336  
BIOL 337  Aquatic Ecology  (4 Credits)  
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the ecology of lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic ecosystems. We will examine how these bodies of water and their diverse inhabitants are integral to our landscape, serving as crucial habitats and resources. Key topics include the formation and seasonal dynamics of lakes, ecological interactions within lakes and streams, with a particular emphasis on native fish species, and strategies for effective lake management. Laboratory sessions will be conducted on campus lakes, along the shore, and in the lab.
Prerequisites: ENVR 175 or BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 337L  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Movement  
BIOL 337L  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 337  
BIOL 339  Evolution  (4 Credits)  
This course provides a historical and societal context for evolutionary theory, surveys the evidence for evolution, and emphasizes the processes of genetic change. The laboratory focuses on collaborative group projects and deepening students' appreciation for key components of the scientific process including: methodological troubleshooting, interacting with scientific literature, and technical writing.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
BIOL 341  Natural History of the Bahamas  (2 Credits)  
This course offers students the opportunity to learn about and conduct field-based ecological research in a unique tropical ecosystem. Students will explore the diverse systems in and around the Bahamian islands, including coastal strand, mangrove, coppice, cave, and forest ecosystems, as well as coastal reefs and seagrass beds. The course requires travel to San Salvador Island, Bahamas during spring break, where students will conduct independent research projects and produce both a scientific poster and paper. Students should be comfortable with swimming. Formerly a Spring half-semester course; now a full-semester Spring course.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 or ENVR 275  
Equivalent courses: ENVR 341, GEOL 341  
BIOL 347  Journal Club  (1 Credit)  
Preparation of a paper and a seminar presentation on a topic of current biological interest. Source materials will be the current research literature.
Prerequisites: None  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior or Senior.   
BIOL 348  Biology Seminar Series  (1 Credit)  
This course consists of attendance at department sponsored seminars and seminar preparation sessions. At the preparation sessions students will familiarize themselves with the seminar topic through appropriate readings and discussion with faculty. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: None  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior or Senior.   
Equivalent courses: BIOL 200  
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 370AB  HUMAN GENETICS  (4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 370OB  Diversity and Function of Invertebrates  (4 Credits)  
The focus of this module is invertebrate diversity. Major adaptations in morphology (form) and recent molecular changes in taxonomy, as well as physiological adaptations within the major phyla will be explored. Topics will include: recent developments in phylogenetic classifications within the major groups; physiological challenges, such as those related to respiration, osmoregulation, feeding, locomotion, defence, sensory perception and reproduction, which invertebrates face in their respective environments (marine, freshwater and terrestrial); and what strategies are used to cope with or compensate for these challenges. The practical component of the module will entail laboratory work.
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: XXXX 64  
Attributes: Natural World (NW)  
BIOL 370R  BIOLOGY IN CORK  (3-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: XXXX 63  
BIOL 371  Individual Learning Project  (1-4 Credits)  
Supervised reading or research at the upper-division level. Permission of department chair and completion and/or concurrent registration of 12 credits within the department required. Credits in 371 cannot be applied towards major requirements.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 372  Biological Research  (1-4 Credits)  
Original research conducted under the supervision of a staff member. Students will design their own project in consultation with their moderator. Permission of department chair required. Credits in 372 may be applied towards major requirements.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373A  Exploring Medicine  (1-2 Credits)  
Exploring Medicine 373A is a course designed for students interested in the health professions, particularly students seeking a career as a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. Students will go, with their physician instructor, to the bedside of actual recorded patient encounters and experience how the process of diagnosis and treatment of disease actually works. Students will study selected systems of the body and learn the pathophysiology and treatment of a variety of human diseases and conditions, then apply that knowledge to selected patient scenarios. In addition, students will delve deeply into discussions of social and financial aspects that influence health. The purpose of this course is to help students see the relevance of their basic sciences, be better prepared for the MCAT, be better prepared for medical school, and be a step ahead in their decision to pursue a career in medicine. Credits in 373A cannot be applied toward major requirements.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373B  Exploring Medicine II  (1-2 Credits)  
Like Exploring Medicine 373A, Exploring Medicine 373B is a course designed for students interested in the health professions, particularly students seeking a career as a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. In order to be a doctor (or other medical provider) you need to learn to think like a doctor, and this course will introduce an entirely new set of exciting clinical experiences. In the fashion of Exploring Medicine 373A, we will go to the bedside of actual patients and review actual clinical cases. In this course, however, there will be a greater focus on the social determinants of health and aspects of wellness that are affected by elements beyond what we do as medical providers. Though we cannot directly control all obstacles to patient wellness, being aware of these encumbrances will allow us to better serve our patients and engage proper available resources. The purpose of this course, then, is to help students see the relevance of their basic sciences, be better prepared for the MCAT, be better prepared for medical school, and be a step ahead in their decision to pursue a career in medicine. Students do not need to take Exploring Medicine 373A before taking 373B; credits in 373B, like those in 373A, cannot be applied toward major requirements.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373F  Bioinformatics  (4 Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to the field of bioinformatics. Topics will include sequences of DNA, RNA and proteins, comparing sequences, predicting sequences, predicting species; computational techniques such as substitution matrices, sequence databases, dynamic programming and bioinformatics tools. The course will have a seminar format.
Prerequisites: BIOL 121 or BIOL 121Z or BIOL 201  
Equivalent courses: CSCI 317D  
BIOL 373G  Ecology and Evolution of the Galapagos Islands  (4 Credits)  
This course allows students to explore the following disciplines: evolutionary biology, terrestrial ecology, history of science, geology, oceanography and conservation biology. Thus, these islands represent an ideal place to study the interaction of multiple scientific disciplines in one of the most intellectually stimulating place on Earth (not to mention one of the most beautiful). The object of this program is to provide students with a hands-on field experience in conjunction with traditional classroom work. The ultimate goal: to obtain both an academic and an experiential understanding of an iconic ecosystem. Required ability to work well in groups, and a degree of physical fitness that allows for extensive snorkeling in cold water and hiking a minimum of five miles over rough terrain. Summer.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202  
BIOL 373H  The Omics of Medicine  (2 Credits)  
How will proteomics, genomics impact the study and practice of medicine? This course will use primary literature, real data, and hands-on student research projects to study the impact of modern day “omics” on the field of medicine. Discussions and topics include the role of proteomics and genomics in preventive medicine, diagnostics, and treatments. In addition, students will research the role of “omics” in understanding the evolution of infectious disease in terms of a pathogen’s virulence (ability to cause disease) and the growing resistance to antibiotics. Independent group projects will be a component of the bench work to encourage and develop not only research skills but to also better understand its role in medicine. BIOL 317 or 318 is highly recommended as additional prerequisite. Spring AB mod.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 373HL  
BIOL 373HL  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 373H  
BIOL 373J  Biological Illustration  (1 Credit)  
This course is a hands-on introduction to biological illustration theory and techniques. The class meets weekly. In the first five weeks students are introduced to some of the basic techniques of biological illustration. Students will be encouraged to work with techniques that fit well with their main interest area(s) in biology. Then, students will be required to apply this knowledge by designing and completing an independent project. This project will involve preparing a set of materials that illustrate a concept or topic of interest, and that can be used to help others understand the topic. Each student will be asked to work on an independent project that incorporates their illustrations in a real setting, whether preparing a poster for a research presentation, teaching a lesson, preparing a resource that others could use to teach a lesson, preparing an educational brochure for the Arboretum or a nature center, preparing posters for an elementary school science class, or other similar project. A student who successfully completes this course should have a basic understanding of the techniques and purposes of biological illustration and be able to use his or her knowledge to successfully convey significant biological information to a target audience. Spring AB mod.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373L  Mathematical Modelling in Biology  (4 Credits)  
Traditional approaches to mathematical modelling in biology have relied primarily on differential equations models. However, new approaches have and are being developed that rely instead on discrete methods, such as those coming from graph theory, polynomial manipulation and elementary linear algebra. For example, gene regulatory networks have been successfully modelled using Boolean logic. The spread of tick-borne diseases and methods of control have been well described using agent-based models. Graph theoretic models have been used to explore aspects of neuronal network connectivity. This course will survey a variety of discrete modelling approaches, including Boolean models, polynomial dynamical systems, graph theory, agent based modelling, and hidden Markov models. Emphasis will be on examples and applications, which will be drawn from various areas of biology, including problems in gene regulation, population dynamics and neuroscience. The necessary mathematical background will be included in the course.
Prerequisites: MATH 119 or MATH 119Z  
Equivalent courses: MATH 340A  
BIOL 373M  Biocontrol: Reintroduction of Wolves into Yellowstone  (2 Credits)  
This course will use primary and popular literature to examine human impact on biological systems. We begin the course with a discussion of the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone. We will discuss why the decision was made to bring the wolves back, what researchers predicted the impact would be, and what the data and results suggest. Three major components to this study will be discussed: 1) the role of effective research methods and mechanics from molecular to field work will critiqued. 2) We will examine the molecular, organismal, population, and ecosystem impact of biocontrol. 3) We will discuss the role of societal issues on biocontrol. Although our discussion will begin within the context of wolf reintroduction, we will also use other examples to define and discuss biocontrol. For example, the impact and removal of invasive species in particular ecosystems will also be highlighted. Spring CD mod.
Prerequisites: BIOL 222 or BIOL 202  
Corequisites: BIOL 373ML  
BIOL 373ML  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 373M  
BIOL 373N  Statistics in Biology & Medicine  (4 Credits)  
This course explores the principles of experimental design and common inferential statistical techniques used in the biological and medical sciences. Emphasis is placed on the applications of these methods and practical considerations associated with their proper use. An additional focus of the course is using the R statistical computing environment for methodological implementation and generation of high quality scientific figures. Students who do not have access to a laptop should notify the instructor, so that computer access can be arranged.
Prerequisites: BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z or BIOL 101  
BIOL 373O  Exploring Neurobehavioral and Social Aspects of Medicine  (1,2 Credits)  
Exploring Medicine is a course designed for students interested in the health professions, specifically students seeking a career as a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. Students will study various systems of the body and learn the pathophysiology and treatment of a variety of human diseases and conditions. The purpose of this course is to help students see the relevance of their basic sciences, to be better prepared for the MCAT, to help students prepare for medical school, and help them to be a step ahead in their decision to pursue a career in medicine.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373P  The Art of Healing: A Practical & Benedictine Approach to Caring for Others  (1 Credit)  
Drawing from two decades of medical practice & centuries of literary, philosophical & scientific wisdom, this course hopes to speak to the transcendent art of healing. In a hurried world of pragmatism and efficiency, we still want our work to be meaningful. Now is the time to ignite the deeper sense of vocation in those aspiring to a career in health care (MD, RN, PA, NP, PT, OT, Pharm, etc.) or in those simply interested in finding enduring meaning in the career they will pursue.Cannot be applied towards major requirements.
Prerequisites: BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z  
BIOL 373Q  Ecology and Evolution of the Serengeti Ecosystem  (4 Credits)  
Students will study the ecologically and evolutionarily complex Serengeti Ecosystem of Tanzania. Using traditional classroom methods and field-based activities, we will explore the following disciplines: Evolutionary Biology, Terrestrial Ecology, History of Science, Nutrient Cycling, Animal Physiology, Wildlife Conflicts, Geology, Climate and Conservation Biology. Thus, the Serengeti Ecosystem represents and ideal place to study the interaction of multiple disciplines in one of the most intellectually stimulating place on Earth (not to mention one of the most beautiful). The object of this program is to provide students with both an in-class learning opportunity (C/D modules) and a hands-on field experience to the Serengeti (May) – with an ultimate goal for students to obtain both academic and an intellectual understanding of one of the most unique ecosystems on earth.
Prerequisites: (BIOL 101 or BIOL 101Z) and BIOL 201 and BIOL 202  
Attributes: Natural World (NW), Thematic Encounter3 - Justice  
BIOL 373R  Dark Side of Science: Experimental Procedures  (2 Credits)  
This course re-examines 'scientific’ experimentation, bringing to light astonishing chapters in science history. While many assume science to be conducted in a morally neutral environment, that assumption is untenable. This course will help students to better assess and judge science’s obligation to the citizens and society that it serves. Students will use writing and discussion to: • Recognize and comprehend how the basis of applied experimental medicine can lead to abuse of subjects especially those at a disadvantage when human subject protocols are violated. • Understand the potentially unwelcomed consequences of medical experimentation for both the medical as well as patient community when studies or treatment are conducted without restrictions and appropriate guidelines. • Raise the level of ethical consciousness in all those who in the future may be responsible for the use and care of patients undergoing experimental procedures. Credits in 373R cannot be applied towards major requirements
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 373S  Biostatistics in R  (4 Credits)  
Learn how to process biological data using the programming language and environment of R. After covering key concepts in biostatistics, including measures of central tendency, common distributions, t-tests, linear regressions, and ANOVAs, students will apply their knowledge to produce graphs and test hypotheses using biological data. Students will build the skills necessary for their final project, which will include selecting data, importing it into R, performing an appropriately chosen statistical test, and representing the results in both graphical and written form.
Prerequisites: BIOL 201  
Corequisites: BIOL 373SL  
Attributes: Quantitative Reasoning (QR)  
BIOL 373SL  Laboratory  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Corequisites: BIOL 373S  
BIOL 374  Biological Techniques  (1-2 Credits)  
Independent work to develop expertise in special techniques such as electron microscopy, chromosome preparation, tissue culture, and the preparation of specimens of plants, insects or vertebrates. Does not count toward the biology major.
Prerequisites: None  
BIOL 375  Natural History of Maple Syrup  (1 Credit)  
A springtime ritual throughout NE United States, including St. John's, is the production of maple syrup from the sap of the sugar maple tree. This course provides an introduction to the history of the process, methods for producing syrup, and the biological and chemical principles underlying the production of sap and syrup. Spring C mod.
Prerequisites: BIOL 221 or BIOL 221Z or BIOL 201  
Equivalent courses: BIOL 379  
BIOL 380A  Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of Diseases Transmitted by Insect Vectors  (2 Credits)  
Student projects will focus on the transmission, pathophysiology, and treatment of human infectious diseases transmitted by insect vectors. Student teams will pick a particular disease and research the various aspects listed above. The bloodier and more bizarre, the better! Different levels of biology (i.e., cellular, organismal, ecological) should be addressed, allowing students with different backgrounds to contribute to each project.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380B  A World of Unintended Consequences  (2 Credits)  
From hunting, gathering, and the ability to control fire, through domestication of plants and animals, long-distance voyages, industry, to the editing of genomes, humans have been interacting with the rest of the biosphere to varying degrees for thousands, perhaps millions, of years. Few, if any, locations on Earth are free from the influence of humanity, and many of the challenges our ecosystems and societies face result from unintended consequences of human activity. In this course, students will analyze biological legacies of past actions or predict biological outcomes of choices that currently face humanity. They will then make recommendations for addressing the biological and societal impacts (extant or anticipated) they document.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380C  The Magic of Microorganisms  (2 Credits)  
Bacterial systems present a multitude of questions of biological interest given their competition for resources, adaptability to distinct environments, and propensity to evolve new biochemical capabilities. Students in this course isolate, identify and characterize bacterial samples from sites in and around CSB/SJU of personal interest or in conjunction with other studies currently underway. These projects will include some combination of library, laboratory and written work that hopefully ties together many of the levels of current biological inquiry. Additional prerequisites 307 & 317 strongly recommended.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380D  Biological Extremophiles  (2 Credits)  
Life is amazing. Some organisms can tolerate extreme desiccation, radiation, heat, cold, acidity, alkalinity, pressure or salinity. How do they do it? The focus of this course will be the organisms capable of surviving extreme environmental conditions. Students will select a phenomenon to study, prepare a review paper about the topic, and then present their results in a public forum.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380E  Climate Change  (2 Credits)  
During the coming decades, Earth’s changing climate is likely to generate a diversity of disruptions ranging in severity from exasperating to existential. In this capstone, student teams will produce a research paper that explains the biological foundations for a projected consequence of climate change that interests them, and will also explain and evaluate adjustments that society might make to mitigate climate-associated challenges. Each team’s research will be presented on Scholarship and Creativity Day.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z or HONR 260A)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380F  Genome Editing with CRISPR/Cas9  (2 Credits)  
CRISPR/Cas9 is one of the most exciting advancements in modern biology. Students will learn about what CRISPR/Cas9 is, what is can be used for, and design/carry-out their own projects using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Students will learn bioinformatics, and a number of wet-bench skills including molecular biology and biochemistry techniques to carry out their project. These projects will include some combination of library, laboratory, and written work that hopefully ties together many of the levels of current biological inquiry. Additionally, students will discuss the ethics implications of the variety of CRISPR/Cas9 applications and new developments in this rapidly evolving field.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Senior.   
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380G  Feeding 10 Billion  (2 Credits)  
By the end of this century the population of this planet is projected to exceed 10 billion people. How will we feed them? The solutions to this problem may depend on our understanding of biology from molecular biology (as in genetic engineering) to ecology (as in agronomy).
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 380H  Plants and Pollinators  (2 Credits)  
This course provides students with an opportunity to learn about prairie pollinators with a focus on the monarch butterfly/milkweed interaction. After a review of basic prairie pollinator ecology, students will review proper planning and implementation of a research project. Students will then develop a research question, design an in-the-field research effort, implement their study design (St. John's Abbey Arboretum), analyze the results and write a scientific paper based on their data results. Finally, they will present their results in a public forum. Course offered for A-F grading only. Offered in fall semester.
Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and (MATH 124 or MATH 124Z)  
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Senior.   
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)  
BIOL 397  Internship  (1-16 Credits)  
Completed Application for Internship Form REQUIRED. See Internship Office Web Page.
Prerequisites: None  
Attributes: Experiential Engagement (EX)