Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Pastoral Theology/Ministry (PTHM)

PTHM 401  Evangelization and Catechesis  (3 Credits)  
This course examines contemporary theologies and principles of evangelization and catechesis; theories of human and faith development; and various models and methods of evangelization and catechesis. Particular attention will be given to advancing catechetical leadership skills in assessment and strategic planning for program improvement.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 405  Theology and Practice of Ministry  (3 Credits)  
Utilizing practical theology methodology, this course introduces students to theological foundations for ministry, including historical and contemporary theologies of ordained and lay ministry. Students will explore the vocational call to ministry as well as the spiritual, human, and pastoral foundations for ministry. Finally, students will identify the theological principles that are foundational to their ministerial leadership.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: THEO 394F  
PTHM 408  Introduction to Pastoral Care  (3 Credits)  
The course addresses theological approaches to the “care of souls,” including theologies of suffering, grief, and death. Students develop skills in interpersonal dynamics of listening, empathy, systems assessment, professional judgment, and liturgical response in relationship to pastoral care of persons and communities.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 409  Pastoral Care Ministry: Grief, Illness, and Healing  (3 Credits)  
Pastoral care is the ministry of compassion for the well-being of persons and communities. Traditionally the ministry has included four dimensions of care: healing, guiding, sustaining, and reconciling. This class focuses on healing and sustaining in the midst of loss, grief, illness, dying, and elder care and is grounded in a theology of Christ the healer and good shepherd.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 410  Pastoral Care Ministry: Guiding and Reconciling  (3 Credits)  
Pastoral care is the ministry of compassion for the well-being of persons and communities. Traditionally the ministry has included four dimensions of care: healing, guiding, sustaining, and reconciling. This class focuses on guiding and reconciling. Guiding pertains to caring for people as they search out their calling and seek spiritual growth and maturity. Reconciling ministry is learning to help people and communities practice seeking and granting forgiveness. Both of these practices take place across a wide range of life experiences. This class will focus on life transitions, discerning callings, trauma and abuse, divorce, addictions, mental health, prison ministry, and community and social conflict. The course is grounded in a theology of Christ the reconciler and savior and future hope.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: THEO 394G  
PTHM 411  Community Leadership  (3 Credits)  
While some communities seem to form spontaneously, most require careful attention and consistent work in order to put down roots and thrive. This is the challenge of pastoral leadership. Outcomes for the course include identifying the principles that frame community as a theological, pastoral, and socio-cultural reality; learn and practice a model of gift discernment related to leaders and community members; create a framework for applying the functions of pastoral ministry to building and sustaining community life; articulate one’s personal vision of leadership for the sake of community; and exploration of the impact of culture, ethnicity, place, and mission on forming communities.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 412  Clinical Pastoral Education  (3-6 Credits)  
MDIV Students are required to participate in a basic unit of an accredited Clinical Pastoral Education program. MAM students may choose CPE as part of their field education practicum. Clinical pastoral education is conducted at an accredited CPE center.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 413  Theology of Lay and Ordained Ministry  (3 Credits)  
Students study the biblical foundations, historical development, systematic theology, and canonical structures of ordained and lay ministry in the Church. Cross-listed with DOCT 413.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: DOCT 413  
PTHM 414  Theology and Spirituality of Vocation  (3 Credits)  
This course will address the theological, spiritual, and practical dimensions of Christian vocation. Students will examine the history and development of Catholic and Protestant theologies of vocation, with attention to creation, providence, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The course emphasizes vocation both as general, the calling Christians share together, and as particular, the unique ways God calls each person. We will study callings as they pertain to the whole of life, across the lifespan (children, teens, young adults, adulthood and the elderly), and in regards to work and professions. We will examine practices of discernment as well as interfaith perspectives on vocation. Cross listed with SPIR 414.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: SPIR 414  
PTHM 415  Celibacy and Sexuality  (2 Credits)  
This course explores both the understanding of sexuality and celibacy in the Christian tradition in literature and art and the spiritual dimensions of sexuality and celibacy through prayer and personal development.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 416  Contemporary Spiritual Practice  (3 Credits)  
Why is spiritual practice on the rise? What do contemplation and social justice have to do with each other? Can people from different religions borrow practices from others? Students in this course will examine spiritual practices and ways of thinking about them that have become prominent in recent decades. These movements include the retrieval and redefinition of ancient practices (e.g., lectio divina, centering prayer, and the Jesus Prayer); the intersection of spiritual practice and social issues (e.g., the influence of other religions; the environment; and social justice); and contemporary theological emphases (e.g., work, the body, art, science, and gender). Students will explore recent scholarship on the rise of spiritual practice, the theological foundations as well as the actions and disciplines that comprise these approaches. Cross listed with SPIR 416.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: SPIR 416  
PTHM 417  Homiletics  (3 Credits)  
Development of speaking, reading, and preaching skills at the eucharist and in other liturgical contexts such as marriage and family counseling or counseling the chemically dependent.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 418  Foundations of Spiritual Direction  (1-3 Credits)  
This course explores themes and practices integral to a Benedictine disposition for spiritual direction. Students will participate in experiential and reflective processes to learn and demonstrate contemplative listening in service of deepening relationship with God. Those who continue into the Practicum in Spiritual Direction will be well prepared for their responsibilities. Those who complete the course solely for personal and professional enrichment will have developed useful listening skills that apply well to other ministry contexts. Prerequisites: SPIR 437 The Practice of Discernment in Prayer.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 420  Introduction to Ecclesiastical Law  (3 Credits)  
Students study the theology, history and general principles of Church law. Students will build capacity to effectively analyze and solve canonical cases.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 422  Matrimonial Jurisprudence  (2-3 Credits)  
This course focuses on specialized training in modern tribunal and administrative determinations of civilly dissolved marriages. Students examine modern annulment practices in local dioceses.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 426  Liturgical Presidency  (3 Credits)  
Training in all aspects of liturgical presiding for those who will lead worship, including study of directives and rubrics in the relevant official documents. Use of gesture and voice, including singing, to relate well to the assembly and to other liturgical ministers. For future priests, emphasis on celebrating Mass. For future deacons, emphasis on their role at Mass, as well as presiding at Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and other rites such as baptism. For lay students, emphasis on Sunday Celebrations in Absence of a Priest, and other rites such as funeral vigils. Prerequisite: Introduction to Pastoral Liturgy.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 428  Integration Seminar in Spiritual Direction  (3 Credits)  
Capstone course for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction. This seminar serves as the capstone course for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction. Students will demonstrate their ability to integrate their studies and practicum experiences into an analysis and application of spiritual direction competencies. Particular attention will be paid to a Benedictine disposition for listening with the ear of the heart.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 441  Sacred Art  (3 Credits)  
Study of the history of the church’s use of art liturgically and for the sake of evangelization, including the church’s embrace of the arts as it emerged from a Jewish aniconic tradition; how the relationship between the church and art evolved over the centuries; the different forms of sacred art; the possible differences between sacred art, liturgical art and devotional art; and implications for the establishment and maintenance of art collections. Cross listed with LTGY 441.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: LTGY 441  
PTHM 443  Sacred Architecture  (3 Credits)  
Historical overview of sacred architecture with attention to the theology and practice of the worshiping community. Communalities between sacred architecture from varied faith traditions, with emphasis on the unique aspects of Christian architecture. Acoustics and lighting in relationship to their impact on the symbolic and practical functioning of a building. Varieties of American Christian religious architecture as reflections of traditions, exploring commonalities and differences. Cross listed with LTGY 443.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: LTGY 443  
PTHM 450  Church Administration  (3 Credits)  
This course allows students to explore the theology and practice of administration in relationship to: leadership theory, parish governance, human resources, financial systems, facility management, office services, technology management, and conflict management.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 452  Youth and Young Adult Ministry  (1-3 Credits)  
This course will explore the theological foundations of youth ministry, campus ministry, and parish young adult ministry within the broader conceptual framework of evangelization, catechesis, and initiation espoused by Pope Francis, the General Directory for Catechesis, the RCIA, Renewing the Vision, and Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future. This course will foster the development of effective ministerial leadership practices addressing the current contextual context of “the rise of the nones.”
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 454  Ministry Through the Life Cycle  (3 Credits)  
This course will provide an overview of pastoral and spiritual issues that ministers encounter with individuals and families in various life stages. Issues included in the course also include the lifecycle of a family and the cycle of healing for people.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 456  Rural Social Issues  (3 Credits)  
Students will learn about major social issues affecting rural America, the social justice dimensions of these issues, and their implications for ministry in the Church. Cross-listed with MORL 456.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 457  Sacramental Catechesis  (3 Credits)  
This course addresses catechetical methods for initiation into the sacramental life of the church and discipleship, including the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, reconciliation, and marriage. Issues of liturgical catechesis, readiness of candidates, preparation of the community and families will be incorporated.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 458  Social Ministry  (3 Credits)  
This course examines social outreach programs, which include direct service ministries such as homeless shelters, prison ministry, food pantries, as well as initiatives that address systemic social, political and economic change. Students explore how the Catholic social teaching traditions inform a broad range of ministries at the parish, diocesan, and national levels.
Prerequisites: None  
Equivalent courses: PTHM 458Z  
PTHM 459  Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Students work with an organization, project, or parish in the area of their ministerial interest. The supervised experience requires the students to integrate theological knowledge with pastoral practice in developing vocational identity as a public minister, exploring issues of leadership, power and authority; and gaining facility in articulating the Christian faith and in fostering the development of faith with others. Students will reflect on the practice of ministry in theological reflection groups.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459A  General Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459B  Homiletics Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459C  Spiritual Direction Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459D  Music Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459E  Architecture Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Students work with an organization, project, or parish in the area of their ministerial interest. The supervised experience requires the students to integrate theological knowledge with pastoral practice in developing vocational identity as a public minister, exploring issues of leadership, power and authority; and gaining facility in articulating the Christian faith and in fostering the development of faith with others. Students will reflect on the practice of ministry in theological reflection groups.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459F  Practicum: Pastoral Care  (1-6 Credits)  
Students work with an organization, project, or parish in the area of their ministerial interest. The supervised experience requires the students to integrate theological knowledge with pastoral practice in developing vocational identity as a public minister, exploring issues of leadership, power and authority; and gaining facility in articulating the Christian faith and in fostering the development of faith with others. Students will reflect on the practice of ministry in theological reflection groups.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459G  Practicum: Winter Immersion  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 459H  Practicum: Summer Immersion  (1-6 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 465  Integration Seminar  (3 Credits)  
This course marks the culmination of the student’s preparation for ministry. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and construct a response to pastoral situations utilizing biblical, theological, historical, and social scientific resources.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 468A  Theologies of Mental Health  (3 Credits)  
This course will initiate students into contemporary Christian theological discussions that have arisen in view of and in response to mental health issues. After learning the basic features of two major conditions—trauma and depression—students will engage texts that explore the implications of these conditions for a wide range of Christian doctrines and issues including sin and grace; Christology, soteriology, and eschatology; and theodicy and other theologies of God. Cross listed DOCT 468.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 468B  Media Mindfulness: Faith Formation for a Digital Culture  (3 Credits)  
Media Mindfulness aims to teach those in any ministry in the Church to develop an understanding of the power of media and how it influences our lives. Participants will learn media mindfulness skills to critically analyze media messages through the lens of Gospel values so as to form missionary disciples prepared to engage the digital culture.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 469  Topics in Canon Law  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 470  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 598  MAM End-of-Degree Assessment and Ministry Learning Portfolio  (0 Credits)  
Students preparing for ministerial leadership through the MAM degree are required to document and self-assess their readiness for ministry by developing a Ministry Learning Portfolio and presenting it first to a peer group, and second to faculty review group. The Ministry Learning Portfolios are developed over the duration of one’s degree preparation. MAM degree students are required to present their Ministry Learning Portfolio in their last semester. Offered for S/U grading only.
Prerequisites: None  
PTHM 599  MDIV Mid-Degree Assessment and Ministry Learning Portfolio  (0 Credits)  
Students preparing for ministerial leadership through the MDIV degree are required to document and self-assess their readiness for ministry by developing a Ministry Learning Portfolio and presenting it first to a peer group, and second to faculty review group. The Ministry Learning Portfolios are developed over the duration of one’s degree preparation. MDIV LEM students present mid-degree (39-42 credits), MDIV seminarians (54-60 credits). Offered for S/U grading only.
Prerequisites: None