Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Theology, Graduate (THY)

THY 406  History & Geography of the Early Christian World  (3 Credits)  
A study of the artistic, cultural, and social foundations of Christianity through visits to many of the locales in various parts of Greece and Turkey mentioned in the Pauline writings and the Book of Revelation as well as other early Christian and monastic sites. Exploration of how one historical age influences another and the importance that art and archaeology play in theology and religion.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 465  Th.M. Research Seminar  (3 Credits)  
The research seminar is designed to direct and guide students in advanced theological research in preparation for writing a thesis. Students may prepare the thesis proposal in the course, or if approved, can begin writing the thesis. Students will be engaged in dialogue and critique of each others' work in order to enhance understanding of theological research and writing. The proposal will contain: a persuasive and debatable thesis statement, a description of the project that maps the argument with a brief summary of the positions and the lines of argument to be developed; a tentative outline, a preliminary bibliography of primary and secondary sources from current scholarship as well as the history of research on the topic. The bibliography will also include sources in the ancient and/or modern language being utilized in the thesis.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 467  Consortium  (0 Credits)  
Registration for students from Bethel Theological Seminary, Saint Paul Seminary at the University of St. Thomas, Luther Seminary, or United Theological Seminary who are taking classes at Saint John's.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 467A  CONSORTIUM - BETHEL  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 467B  CONSORTIUM - LUTHER  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 467C  CONSORTIUM - ST THOMAS  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 468  Consortium  (1-6 Credits)  
Registration for Saint John's students who are taking classes at Bethel Theological Seminary, Saint Paul Seminary at the University of St. Thomas, Luther Seminary, or United Theological Seminary. For more information, see the School of Theology and Seminary Student Handbook.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 468A  CONSORTIUM - BETHEL  (1-4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 468B  CONSORTIUM - LUTHER  (1-4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 468C  CONSORTIUM - ST THOMAS  (1-4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 468D  CONSORTIUM - UNITED THEO  (1-4 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 470  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None  
THY 580  Thesis  (6 Credits)  
The Master of Theology degree requires submission and defense of a Master’s Thesis, an integrated research paper of at least 80 pages. The Master’s Thesis process consists of three steps: Development of a Thesis Proposal, Defense of the Thesis Proposal and writing the Thesis, and Public Defense of the Thesis. Students will explore an extensive bibliography of relevant primary and secondary sources, and foreign language sources and citations that support the content of the topic. The Master’s thesis is typically written over the course of an academic year.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 597  MA Comprehensive Exams Seminar  (3 Credits)  
This seminar provides a context in which students will prepare for the Comprehensive Examinations which complete the MA Degree in Theology. To that end, students will revise and submit a graduate paper begun in a previous course, and they will develop a research paper on a thesis that compares and contrasts content and method from two different theological areas of concentration (e.g., scripture, systematics, church history, etc.). The research paper must have a bibliography of at least twenty items (books and/or journal articles). Students will be expected to have (1) completed and submitted an approved graduate paper and (2) completed an initial draft of the integrative research paper by the end of the seminar. A completed and approved graduate paper and research paper will constitute the written portion of the MA comprehensive examination.
Prerequisites: None  
THY 598  Reading for Comprehensive Examinations  (1-6 Credits)  
The Master of Theological Studies degree requires 48 credits: 45 credits of coursework and 3 credits for the Comprehensive Exam written process and the Oral Comprehensive Exam. In order to facilitate the full time enrollment of students in the Comprehensives term, THY 598 Reading for Comprehensive Exams has a variable 3-6 credits to assure full time status. The extra credits in THY 598 Reading co Comprehensive Exams would follow or accompany the final term of the completion of 45 credits of course work. In preparing for Comprehensive Exams students master a 10 book reading list and submit an annotated bibliography and summary of research of the texts in the booklist as preparation for the Oral Comprehensive Exam (registered under THY 599 at 0 credits).
Prerequisites: None  
THY 599  Comprehensive Examinations  (0 Credits)  
Prerequisites: None