Academic Catalog and Handbooks

2024-2025 Edition

Political Science

Department Chair: Whitney Court

Faculty: Whitney Court, Pedro Dos Santos, Claire Haeg, Colin Hannigan, Scott Johnson, Philip Kronebusch, Matthew Lindstrom, James Read, Christi Siver

The political science department equips students to understand political life, to be effective citizens, and to achieve positions of political leadership. The Department makes the following mission commitments:

  • We prepare students for successful careers or graduate study in government, public policy, law, business, the not-for-profit sector, and related fields.
  • We expand and strengthen critical thinking, research, and communication skills of students.
  • We examine politics through innovative teaching, experiential learning, and student/faculty collaboration across the main fields of political science so that students can achieve political literacy appropriate for citizenship responsibilities.
  • We help our students discover and learn the concepts and theories of our discipline so they can integrate new information and events into their own worldviews.
  • We encourage students to adopt the habit of the examined life, to reflect upon themselves in relationship to others, to take risks, to participate actively in political life, and to accept responsibility for their actions.
  • We encourage our students to participate and accept leadership in a variety of special programs, clubs and activities both on and off campus.
  • Finally, we invite students to embrace the Benedictine traditions of service, stewardship, and community.

Visit the Political Science website for more detailed information: