General Registration Information
First semester students must earn a minimum 1.8 cumulative grade point average to remain in good academic standing. In subsequent semesters, all students are required to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average for all CSB/SJU coursework. Students who fall below a 2.0 cumulative GPA will be placed on academic probation for the next semester.
For more information, see the Academic Catalog: Probation –
A course may be cancelled due to low enrollment or unavailability of an instructor.
Courses are closed when zero(0) seats remain available. The institutions reserve the right to limit the enrollment in courses due to academic or space restrictions.
Co-requisites are courses that must be taken during the same semester.
Course Numbers |
Descriptions |
100 to 299 | Lower-division undergraduate courses |
300-399 | Upper-division undergraduate courses |
400-499 | Masters degree courses |
500-599 | Doctoral program courses and graduate seminars |
X71 | Entries containing these two digits after the first represent individual learning |
Please see policy found in the Academic Catalog - Academic Policies - Credits Earned Elsewhere
For additional information, visit Transfer Credits | Registrar (
A student is considered full-time if enrolled in 12 to 18 credits during the fall or spring semesters. If you plan to register for more than 18 credits, you are incurring an overload. Overloads may be attempted only by students in good academic standing with special approval of the Academic Advising Office.
2024-2025 Fees: The overload tuition fee will be billed at approximately $1,516.00 per credit over 18 credits.
Advisors will have access to Degree Works advising aid through Banner Web Self-Service for Faculty – Please make an appointment to meet with your advisor early to review your academic progress and select your coursework. Remember, all students must see their advisor to receive their registration PIN #. See also: Degree Works – Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s (
The number of credits required for graduation is 124 with a grade point average of 2.00 in the major and minor fields and overall. Of these, at least 40 credits must be earned in upper-division courses. Please visit Graduation under the Academic Policies and Regulations portion of the catalog for full details regarding degree requirements.
Please note, some programs require higher grade point averages for admission and graduation. See individual departmental listings for more information.
Holds are placed on students records and will prevent registration until the student must take proper action and work with appropriate departments to clear their holds. When holds are placed on a students registration record, the student is contacted by email with information detailing why hold was placed and how to resolve their hold. All financial, academic, student accounts & health center holds must be cleared before registering for classes. See also: Guide to Registration Holds
When instructors determine that circumstances warrant, they may allow some delay in the completion of coursework. Such extensions may not extend beyond the last day of finals (close) of the following regular fall or spring semester. Earlier limits may be set at the discretion of the instructor.
Degree candidates are cautioned that failure to have all degree requirements satisfied (including removal of incomplete grades in courses needed for graduation) by the dates set by the registrar will necessarily postpone their graduation.
Please visit Academic Catalog - Academic Policies Regulations - Incomplete Grades for full Incomplete Grade Policy
If a course is closed, students should check whether there are any other sections of the same course that have spaces available in them and register for an alternate section. If this option is not available, a student may consider alternate courses and register accordingly. Faculty advisors are good resources to help determine an appropriate alternate. In some cases, it may be appropriate for the department chair approve an “override” allowing a student to register beyond the course limit. Override registrations are completed by the student using the appropriate the Override Request Form. Completing an override request does not guarantee that a student will be able to take a course. The override from should not be completed until after a student has tried to register for courses and has not been able to get into the course. Access to complete the Override Request Form will not be available to students until their cohort’s registration day.
Check the course listings section of this class schedule to find out if a class has a prerequisite. Make sure you have met all prerequisites before attempting to register for a course. If you have not taken the prerequisite, you must contact the department to seek written approval to register for the course by completing an override request form found on the Registrar’s Online Forms page
- Tuition – students registering for student teaching (EDUC 360, 361, 362, 363) in their 9th (or greater) semester as a full-time student at CSB/SJU will be billed at ½ the regular tuition rate for that semester
- Fees – student teachers will also not be charged the student activity fee, technology fee, and campus center fee for that semester
- Financial Aid – institutional gift aid (scholarships/grants) will not be available to these students
CSB/SJU offer a number of group overseas study programs. Students who plan to enroll in one of these programs should contact the Center for Global Education, Clemens Library, A-101 at CSB.
External programs
- Students who are considering enrolling in coursework offered abroad by another institution (Consortium/External Study Abroad) should contact the Center for Global Education or the Registrar’s Office, for information on transfer of credits.
- Students who register for SA 372, Consortium/External Study Abroad, will be billed a $300 fee.
Seniors studying abroad
- Seniors must ordinarily be in residence for the two semesters immediately preceding commencement (graduation).
- “In residence” is defined as enrollment as a full-time student at CSB/SJU for a minimum of 12 credits per semester.
- Any student wishing to register for an External Study Abroad Consortium during one of their two last semesters of their Senior year must receive approval from the Academic Advising Office.
- Seniors will not be allowed to register for a year-long External Study Abroad Consortium.
See Academic Catalog: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grades –
All updates to the class schedule will be reflected on Banner Web. Additional courses cancellations will be communicated to students registered for any cancelled courses via email from the Registrar’s Office to the students CSBSJU email.
If a course is listed with a range of credits (variable), you must enter the appropriate credit amount desired when you register for the course. The credit amount you are registered for may impact your status as a full-time student and/or your financial aid eligibility. Also see instructions on adding variable credit courses to your schedule.
Daily Class Periods
Monday(M), Wednesday(W), Friday(F)
Time |
Time |
1B | 8:20-9:15 AM | 8:00-8:55 AM | 1J |
2B | 9:30-10:25 AM | 9:10-10:05 AM | 2j |
3B | 10:40 -11:35 AM | 10:20-11:15 AM | 3J |
4B | 11:50-12:45 PM | 11:30-12:25 PM | 4J |
5B | 1:00-1:55 PM | 12:40-1:35 PM | 5J |
6B | 2:10-3:05 PM | 1:50-2:45 PM | 6J |
7B | 3:20-4:15 pm | 3:00-3:55 PM | 7J |
Time |
Time |
8B | 8:20-9:40 AM | 8:00-9:20 AM | 8J |
9B | 9:55-11:15 AM | 9:35-10:55 AM | 9J |
10B | 11:30=12:50 PM | 11:10-12:30 PM | 10J |
11B | 1:05-2:25 PM | 12:45-2:05 PM | 11J |
12B | 2:40-4:00 PM | 2:20-3:40 PM | 12J |
Registration Holds
Students with registration holds will be unable to register for classes until they have made arrangements to clear their any registration hold(s). An explanation of the holds, and the office the student must visit to clear the hold, is listed below. Students may view their registration hold information in the "Preparing for Registration" area of Banner Web Registration.
Academic Holds
Academic Advising utilizes the following codes:
A3 - Acceptance to Major | Frequently, this is a sophomore who must complete the application to a major by submitting paperwork to the appropriate department chair . |
A7 - Meet with an Academic Advisor | Student needs to meet with an advisor in the Academic Advising Office |
Office of Academic Advising |
College of Saint Benedict |
| |
The Registrar's Office utilizes the following codes:
R1 - Missing Degree Application | Senior who has not applied for graduation. |
R3 - Missing High School Transcript | First-year student who has not submitted their final high school transcript with date of graduation noted |
Registrar's Office |
Saint John's University |
| |
Financial Holds
The Student Accounts Office utilizes the following codes:
B1, B2, B3 - No Payment | Indicates an issue regarding the payment of the student bill. |
B4 - Seniors | Student is expected to graduate and has student bill to resolve. |
B5 - Not returning | Student is expected to not return for the following semester and has student bill to resolve. |
B6 - No Payment Agreement | Student is missing a payment agreement regarding their student account. |
T1 - Transcript Hold | May be applied when a student has a balance of $1000 or more on their student account and they do not receive Title IV or Federal Financial Aid. This hold only delays or stops the processing of transcript requests. It DOES NOT impact class registration. |
Student Accounts |
Saint John's University |
Health Hold
The CSB and SJU Well-Being Center utilizes the following code:
H1 - Health Form | Student has not provided required documentation meeting Minnesota immunization requirements. |
CSB and SJU Well-Being Center |
College of Saint Benedict |
Saint John's University |
Student Development Holds
CSB and SJU Student Development Offices utilize the following code:
SD - Sexual Misconduct Training | Student has not completed the required training to meet the State of Minnesota requirements. |
Student Development |
College of Saint Benedict |
Saint John's University |
At times, registration error messages may display in Banner Web Registration. Please see information in the following table for examples of registration error messages and what each error means.
Error Message | Definition |
Corequisite (course) required. | These classes need to be taken together, ex: lecture and lab. |
CRN ____ time conflict with CRN ____. | These sections have overlapping times. Look for a non-overlapping section. |
Closed Section | Enrollment is at the limit (no seats available). Register for a different section. |
Reserve Closed | Section is enrollment is at the limit (no seats available) unless student meets criteria for researved seats i.e. in associated major, a particular cohort, etc. Student should register for a different section. |
Prerequisite and Test Score error | Student hasn't met the necessary requirements to enroll in this course. This could be because they haven't completed a required class, or their test scores don't meet the minimum needed. |
Field of Study Restriction | Student is restricted from entering the course/section as they do not have the required field of study: a specific major/minor |
Special Form Required | Please complete required form, go to myCSBSJU and Registrar's Online Forms. |
Instructor Signature Required | Instructor permission required to join course. Instructors will notify registrar with a list of any students to add to course/section. |
Living and Learning Community | Course is only available for members of a particular Living and Learning Community. Program director will notify registrar with a list of any students to add to course/section. |
Time Ticket Error | Student's registration time is not open yet |
Student attribute | Section is restricted to students with a specifc attribute such as a specific cohort group |
Contact the Registrar’s Office if you are getting an error message and you do not believe you should be receiving the error message or if you have questions.
If you cannot register for a different section or course and cannot resolve the error message, the Override Request form can be used to request access. Overrides are reviewed (and either approved or denied) by academic departments. Filling out an override request does not guarantee you enrollment in a course.
Forms referenced on this page can be found on the Registrar Online Forms page in myCSBSJU.