Master of Divinity- Lay Ministry
The three year Master of Divinity program for lay ministry candidates readies students for church leadership as lay ecclesial ministers. The program guides students through discernment of their call to ministry, their gifts, limitations, and pathway to ministry.
78 credits required
Collegeville Core
- History of Christianity (6 credits total): a two course introductory sequence
- Sacred Scripture (12 credits total): New Testament Electives (6 credits); Old Testament Electives (6 credits)
- Monastic Studies/Spirituality and Church History (6 credits total): Monastic Studies/Spirituality (3 credits); Church History (3 credits)
- Systematic Theology (15 credits total): Moral (6 credits); Doctrine (9 credits)
- Liturgy (3 credits total): 3 elective credits chosen from courses in Liturgy.
- Theology and Practice of Ministry (3 credits)
- Pastoral Ministry courses (21 credits);
- Integration Seminar (3 credits)
- Students may take electives in any area of the catalog (3 credits total)
Field Education
- Field Education (9 credits total): Clinical Pastoral Education (3 credits); Practicum (6 credits)