Master of Divinity - Priesthood Studies
The education and formation of priesthood candidates assists them to discern their gifts and to prepare for a ministry of service to their communities and to the people of God as ordained monks.
109 credits required
Collegeville Core
- History of Christianity (6 credits total): a two course introductory sequence
- Sacred Scripture (12 credits total): Johannine (3 credits); New Testament Electives (3 credits); Old Testament Electives (6 credits)
- Systematic Theology (21 credits total):
- Moral: Fundamental Moral (3 credits); Christian Social Ethics (3 credits); Survey of Moral Theology Topics (3 credits)
- Doctrine: Christology (3 credits); Trinity Faith/Revelation (3 credits); Ecclesiology (3 credits); Christian Anthropology (3 credits)
- Monastic Studies/Spirituality and Church History (15 credits total): 15 elective credits in Monastic Studies, Spirituality, and Church History courses.
- Liturgy (12 credits total): Initiation and Eucharist (3 credits); Intro to Pastoral Liturgy (3 credits); Liturgical Presiding (3 credits); Sacrament and Worship (3 credits)
Pastoral Ministry
- Pastoral Ministry (18 credits total): Evangelization and Catechesis or Teaching Sacraments (3 credits); Pastoral Care (3 credits); Homiletics (3 credits); Intro to Ecclesial Law (3 credits); Church Administration (3 credits); Integration Seminar (3 credits)
Field Education
- Field Education (12 credits total): Clinical Pastoral Education (3 credits); Practicum (9 credits); final 3 credits is a Homiletics Practicum
Spiritual Formation
- Spiritual Formation (12 credits total - 3 credits each year)
- Biblical History and Sites (1 credit) - May Term trip to the Holy Land.